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  Fire英语作文 篇1

  Many many years ago,people use a stick,a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire.Todays,peole use fire in many ways.At home,people use fire to cook food and boil water.In factories,workers use fire to melt metals to makes things of different shapes.Factories worker use fire to make glass.But fire can be very dangerous.Every years hill fires burn a lot of trees.Careless people sometime leave burning cigarette ends and some people not put out there fires cause a hill fires.We must use fire carefully

  Fire英语作文 篇2

  Fire can help people in many ways, but it can also be dangerous. Fire can keep you warm, give light and cook food. However, big fire can also burn your house and hurt you.?Nobody knows how ancient people started using fire. Today, people can make fire very easily. They use matches and lighters. Sometimes children like to play with them, but it can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper, and a small fire can start a big fire to burn everything. So you must be careful with matches.?If you use the fire in the right way, it can help you, but if you use it in the wrong way, it may hurt you.

  Fire英语作文 篇3

  Many many years ago,people use a stick,a large piece of wood and dry leaves to make a fire.

  Todays,peole use fire in many ways.At home,people use fire to cook food and boil water.In factories,workers use fire to melt metals to makes things of different shapes.Factories worker use fire to make glass.

  But fire can be very dangerous.Every years hill fires burn a lot of trees.Careless people sometime leave burning cigarette ends and some people not put out there fires cause a hill fires.We must use fire carefully.

  Fire英语作文 篇4

  Fire is hope. With fire, human beings have the basic power of survival and development. We use fire to drive away the beasts, resist the cold with fire, and human beings can survive; we use fire to open up land, build homes, cook food with fire, bid farewell to the raw meat that is hard to swallow, and human beings can develop and grow with fire. Fire the Yuanmingyuan, fire the Afang palace, fire, or fire. Burn the civilization of ancient China, burn the magnificent spectacle of Chinese architecture. At the same time, it also burns us for life.

  Fire英语作文 篇5

  It is said that fire was brought to our world from the paradise by Prometheus.With fire people can cook food t,warm themselves,drive away darkness,and frighten animals.But it can also do harm to us,for example,burn down buildings and forests.What's worse it may cost our lives.

  As fire is so dangerous,we must learn to protect ourselves.when meeting a fire bresk-out,we should first cover our mouth and nose with a piece of wet cloth in order not to breath in the smoke,which is harmful to our bodies.Remember not to use lifts or any electronic equipments.Wait for the firefighters tohelp you out if you can not leave by youselves.

  Fire英语作文 篇6

  Fire can help people in many ways, but it can also be dangerous. Fire can keep you warm, give light and cook food. However, big fire can also burn your house and hurt you. Nobody knows how ancient people started using fire.

  Today, people can make fire very easily.

  They use matches and lighters. Sometimes children like to play with them, but it can be very dangerous.

  right way, it can help you, but if you use it in the wrong way, it may hurt you.


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