
英语作文:Stress in life

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英语作文:Stress in life(精选18篇)

  在学习、工作或生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的.思想,聚集在一块。怎么写作文才能避免踩雷呢?下面是小编为大家整理的英语作文:Stress in life,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。

英语作文:Stress in life(精选18篇)

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇1

  As everyone knows, stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. As the pace of modern life continues to increase, we are always feeling on the go from morning till night. And it is hard to slow down. Therefore, stress goes hand in hand with the life in a competitive society.

  Different people, however, think of stress quite differently. Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. Others argue that stress contributes to one's mental decline and hence endangers his health. According to them, relaxation, the opposite of stress, is essential for a healthy mind and body.

  Personally, I'm in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is entirely devoted to the career he pursues. In my opinion, it is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇2

  There is pressure, there will be power. If a person is not in the study or career without some pressure probably will not succeed, because the opponent to bring Lu to their own will not only be pressure, but also may let you take a big step forward to success, so, not slip God may lead to their full gambit.

  I have a friend, whose name is not to be mentioned here. We were good friends, but she gradually turned us from friends to enemies because of something. Smiling face like flowers, secretly surging, I never like to be under pressure from others, but she always let me live in pressure, every night, at the desk to read and write. She couldn't sleep, was distracted, didn't understand, and her grades were like sliding down a slide. But she was so excited that she pretended to be competent in front of me and often said indirectly: She is better than me every day I read a good book, she gave me all the pressure into a good study power, let oneself start to study well, do not let oneself be left behind by her, is really God pays off, I finally in a Chinese test beyond the pressure she gave me if not like now study well, not correct in the face of the pressure she gave me, Instead of letting these pressures become motivators, they become negative influences. I think I will become like this. It is not good to listen to the teacher in class every day. After class, I don't study hard. I just play and don't want to think about what I should do in the future. In this way, my grades will not be brought up, and there will be no confidence to learn.

  So to say; In the face of the pressure from all aspects of life, to use a positive and optimistic attitude to think the pressure will be gathered into the power of success, the test of success only the right face it, can succeed, so there will be a sword from the grinding out, plum blossom incense from the bitter cold to speak.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇3

  Everyone's life is colorful, so is mine, but I think the biggest thing around my life is stress.

  Why do I say that? Now I am in the second semester of the second year of junior high school. We will have the entrance examination of geography and biology around June 15. Of course, grade eight is also the watershed of achievement, if you almost every exam is a little progress, that you have room for progress, but if you every exam is in that few, your results are almost finalized, no matter how you test, it is that.

  Now we every day in the homework pile, do not do the teacher punishment, want to finish it, too little time to do, but what can be done? I have no choice but to do it. Because of the geography and biology exam, the geography teacher let us endorse, and almost as soon as the geography teacher came into the classroom we started, until the class we didn't stop, then our voice was almost smoking. Biology teacher, every day to issue papers, that paper can make a bed. Now we can dream about the knowledge points that the geography teacher asked us to memorize and the problems that the biology teacher asked us to do. We still think about how to allocate time to learn geography and biology well and learn other subjects well at the same time. The pressure is like a mountain!

  But stress is also motivation. My grandmother had three children, one son and two daughters, and my mother was the second. My uncle should have been able to go to college because my family was too poor to pay for my uncle's tuition, so he didn't go. I have a cousin, he should be on a high school this year, but because of the exam did not take a good test, failed to enter high school, now squatting on the third grade, my uncle for this hair is sad white.

  My aunt's brother study is not good, every examination results are almost on the pass line, and even sometimes failed, I study OK, the family want me to enter a good school, this pressure I have no to say.

  Mother almost every day in my ear, "If you can't go to school, you a girl do not want to go out to work?" . I understand my mother's painstaking efforts, so a large part of my motivation is given by my family.

  So remember a word: no pressure no motivation.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇4

  Day, dark, night, deep, the moon, out. Community Yizhanzhan lights have gone, only my lamp is still bright, only my pen is still dancing.

  "Tap, tap..." My tears drop down, drop on the bright red 78 points...

  "Test so bad, you look at others, learn how well, you look at you, look at you, finish the homework to me to copy the math paper 2 times!" My mother's shrill voice echoed in my ears.

  One, two... I feel like I'm losing my breath, one piece, two pieces... A lot of stones bit by bit on my body, really good, good weight.

  Every time before the exam, I will think of parents shrill voice and disappointed eyes, the heart of fear and pressure is more heavy.

  I rarely did poorly, and when I did well, they would find fault with me and criticize me for my faults. I know, they just want a girl, want me to be better, I also know, they love me. However, they quietly put pressure on me.

  Finally, I got full marks, I went home with the certificate, my mother looked at the new certificate, the heart is happy. But I didn't feel anything, only feel very tired, I walked back to the room, lying on the bed, the heart of the stones are too much, I want to remove some, but they are too heavy, I can't move!

  Day, dark, night, deep. My heart was heavier.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇5

  As a junior high school student, it is inevitable to make other people laugh at the high pressure, but I live in the pressure, this is deeply felt.

  Yesterday, that is Tuesday, our class teacher told us a bad news and a good news. The bad news: there will be three more exams this week; The good news? The good news is -- not today.

  With the good news and the bad news, it got me thinking about the rest of the week: There are two units of words to memorize in English, several ancient poems and several long and horrible ancient texts to memorize in Chinese, a large essay to write, an experiment about eggs to do in biology, a lot of definitions and laws and regulations to memorize in politics, a lot of theorems to memorize in physics, and a lot of homework to do. I suddenly felt a pear the size of the Himalayas in front of me.

  Why is this so? Generally speaking, there are several reasons:

  Every subject teacher thinks that the subject he teaches is the most important, so he wants his students to spend their time on that subject. For example, almost every subject teachers have said: you can't finish your homework at night to spend half an hour to read a book? At least six of the nine subjects said so. But they also don't want to think, a subject half an hour, six is three hours, who have nothing to finish the homework does not sleep, spend three hours reading?

  This is just visible pressure, and the most important pressure is not visible pressure from psychological pressure, such as the exam is going to do? What if I don't do well? What if you don't get into a good high school? I try not to think about it, but teachers and parents always talk about it, in case you forget.

  The pressure of junior high school students, should have been no, but was forced out by teachers and parents. My life would be perfect without stress.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇6

  Since entering the second volume of fifth grade, my mother's nagging has switched to automatic mode.

  Because I am boarding at school, and my mother a day is a telephone communication time. After speaking, my mobile phone receiver will come a few words that I can not help but be disgusted: "Listen carefully in class, you see that person has been admitted to the public, you don't study hard!"

  Hearing this, I really want to quickly press the red circle on the screen of the phone, you know, I have already answered "oh" a million times. Every weekend, I have and classmates about where to play, but always by the mother "intercept", make me every time called a faithless person, comrades, you say I don't injustice? It's not up to me!

  At this time, I was locked at home writing exercise paper, the heart is very bitter. Think about the students, the heart and a trace of envy, they are not sleeping is in the free activities, and I really "dumb eating coptis, there is a bitter can not say." I wish I could be at once, leaving my body here and my soul outside.

  One day when I came home, I found my aunt resting in my home. When they talked about studying, I couldn't help eavesdropping. I saw a golden light in my mother's eyes when my aunt said that her son had passed the "public" exam. I even saw the look on my mom's face go from envy to jealousy. At this time those words like the hoop kept haunting in my ears - "Listen carefully in class, listen carefully in class..." . Those don't want to recall the picture in my brain is bit by bit back.

  At this point, I thought I knew something.

  This is not just pressure, but a deadly competition. In my mother's eyes I see is the dawn of hope, I am willing to give my mother to wear the hoop curse, at the moment, I found the mother's head "hoop" shining.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇7

  Li Ka-shing believes that when an egg is broken inward, it is food, and when it is broken outward, it is life. Life is also, to break inside is pressure, to break outside is growth. Have emphasized a "broken" word, not broken, there are delicate flowers among the thorns, flowers in the greenhouse can not resist the wind and rain.

  "Suffering from his heart and mind, straining his muscles and bones, starving his body and skin, emptying his body, and disorderly his behavior, so he can't benefit from his patience." The ancients showed us the way early on. Of course, this is by no means a safe road, the dangers are unknown, and there are various factors pushing you forward. The song "rain always go" has such a sentence: there is thunder in the thunder, rain poured into the eyes can not see clearly... People should have a dream, have a dream, don't be afraid of pain.

  Whether stress leads to retreat or growth depends on our own attitude towards stress. You can be driven to a breaking point by pressure, or you can be brave enough to challenge yourself, surpass yourself, reach new heights, and accomplish the impossible. One day, you suddenly find yourself growing up, those problems are no longer problems.

  Though the rose is beautiful, don't forget the sharp barbs on its branches. The flowers in the thorny bush are different from those in the greenhouse. They abandoned the "beautiful but not useful" "can not withstand the wind and rain" defect, let's consider it as a new.

  We want to be the flower of thorns, the best of flowers. Turn pressure into motivation, turn weaknesses into strengths, and a stumbling block can become a stepping stone. Goujian, the king of Yue, slept on brush and tasted gall to repay the humiliation of losing his kingdom. The humiliation of being a slave did not deprive him of the dignity of a king, but rather inspired him, spurred him and made him successful. There are many examples of people who wake up after a change, but there are also many examples of people who never recover after a failure. Tang Bohu had a genius. He could have been on par with Wang Yangming, making speeches, virtue, meritorious service and doing great things, but he used it in the wrong place and got a popular name.

  People have no three six nine, the key is you want to act or inaction, want to progress or not progress. Under pressure, live to be a walking dead is a fool, wise people wake up under pressure.

  Fool and wisdom, thorns and greenhouse, the choice lies in us, since there are few wise people under the fool, why can't we work hard? Why can't it be a legend that everyone tells about? Pressure is a tiger, we fight with it, train it, educate it, pressure is a sheep, we can dominate it, take it. No matter how difficult or easy it is, in this competition with pressure, we should always believe that I can do it!

  The thorn branches, there are flowers to gain new life; There is pressure before us to succeed.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇8

  Courage is grace under pressure.

  -- Inscription

  In the continuous development of human society, talents are emerging constantly, and the society's requirements on people are also constantly improving, which is followed by huge pressure. Therefore, most people cannot avoid facing pressure for livelihood, development and better life.

  Some people drown their sorrows because of the boss's blame, some people can not withstand the criticism of public opinion and choose to commit suicide, some people face piles of papers this depravity... These are the effects of excessive stress. It seems that stress is enveloping our world and weighing us down. We can't avoid it. Call it a cruel face of society. But whether thought, drunk can only bring a moment of happiness, against the life can not plug other people's lips, decadent results can only be failure. Sitting still is the stupidest way.

  But in our life, there must be people who have the courage to face life. They have families on their shoulders, so they work harder; In order to prove themselves, they always insist on advancing towards their original aspirations; For their own future, they always strive for a higher goal. Their pressure is not less than others, they just in the face of heavy pressure, show the courage can not be ignored. Because of love, so insist. Unable to compromise, so desperately.

  Courage is grace under pressure. However, it is not easy to show courage in the face of pressure. The amount of pressure is actually determined by personal opinion. What we need to do is to adjust our mentality, correctly understand the pressure at hand, provide a powerful shield for our heart, turn the pressure into motivation, and push ourselves forward. If you can't get rid of the pressure by yourself, you can turn to your predecessors for help. You should believe that there will be a way to the mountain, and you can find a solution to your current anxiety.

  There is a kind of heroism in the world, that is, after seeing the truth of life, still love life. May we all be hopeful in the face of pressure and move on.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇9

  Pressure, is the torrential autumn rain, after the rain can see the rainbow; Pressure, is a long night, but after the dark will see the dawn, maybe everyone needs some pressure.

  In the face of the surging river, Xiang Yu made up his mind and ordered the ship to sink, smash the pot and burn the house. He only let the soldiers take three days' rations and vowed to fight to the death with the Qin army. Finally, he reversed the low tide in the military since Chen Sheng's righteousness.

  Through the ages, there are a lot of celebrities have been successful because of pressure, pressure in life is also essential. "Ring the bell..." The bell of the class sounded, is already 8:30 in the evening, the dark sky, a few stars in the sky blinking eyes, the crowd flows, eyelids heavy, I am so tired, the body heavy as the lead...... Days like a year, the body weak, very tired, the soul seems to fly out of the body, sleepy, tired, I took out the headphones from the bag, can't wait to be isolated from the outside world, but after all, the lights outside, people come and go, the roadside in the small night market from time to time laughter, my heart in this moment a kind of unutterable taste, sad? Confused?

  Back home, weak lying on the bed, but there is no homework finished, the chest seems to have a big stone, pressure me out of breath, at that moment, I seem to stand at the crossroads, do not know where to go? Is it buckling under pressure to indulge? Or grasp the nettle, a little at a loss... However, I am not so easy to be knocked down, come on! Sit up, go to the desk, pick up a pen, under the lamp to continue to burn the midnight oil, at this time the night is quiet, a few car honk, to add a bit of vitality to the city, very beautiful, isn't it?

  The second day of the exam, I unexpectedly found that many questions are extracurricular class teachers taught, I am confident, quickly write the paper, yesterday's haze mood disappeared, if you do not work hard, where there is now progress? Outside the window, the wind is rustling and birds are chirping.

  Mencius said, 'Heaven is about to assign great duties to a man of honor. He must first strain his mind, his muscles and bones, and starve his body and skin...' Yes, the pressure is an indispensable thing around us, there is no pressure there is no power, we should treat it correctly, let the pressure dance in the sky.

  Comments: The article is like the person! Between the lines you reveal your talent and sharp mind. The article chooses Xiang Yu to face the pressure bravely, with a spirit of survival after death. The second material describes his own psychological history, from confusion and helplessness to full of strength, giving readers a positive guidance. The theme and the material are highly consistent, I believe you will be better!

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇10

  Living in this world, anyone has pressure, happy people only remember the life satisfaction, unhappy people only remember the opposite content.

  There is a great saying in the Koran that if you call the mountain to come, and the mountain does not come, you go. People living in the world inevitably experience setbacks and tribulations, some things can be avoided, some things are irresistible, rather than into the boundless sadness, it is better to accept it, adapt to it, since can not change the irresistible fact, let the irresistible fact change themselves. A famous psychology teacher took out a beautiful coffee cup in class. When the students were praising him, he deliberately pretended to break it by mistake, causing the students to feel sorry for him. The teacher said, "You must feel sorry for this cup, but regret cannot restore the coffee cup to its original shape. This successful quality education lesson taught us that one must accept failure and misfortune, adapt to it, and face it calmly when one cannot change it. We should learn to embrace the good mood, abandon the bad mood, open the window of the heart, let the sun come in.

  Life is a kind of happiness, elegant people have elegant, vulgar people have vulgar interest. Whether elegant or vulgar, whether flat or bumpy, to get natural and ungroovy, live happy, live with taste. Don't be unreasonable. With yourself, to give yourself a good mood, don't take the suffering of life to punish yourself, forgive others is to forgive yourself!

  Let yourself be happy! Happy is also a day, not happy is also a day, why not happy life? Build a spiritual garden within yourself. Simple, quiet, beautiful. When you are depressed in your leisure time, relax in an easy chair in the garden, drink a cup of tea, sing a little poem, surrounded by birds and flowers, you will find that happiness is so simple!

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇11

  Whether the wind is too sad, blowing the white clouds with tears. Whether the rain is too angry, play this leaves without vitality. Is the pressure too heavy, pressure I gasped... Out of the window, cloudy, a round rain drop from the sky, "tick tick" the sound of extremely annoying.

  I gawked at the falling rain, vexed and confused. Life in the second year of junior high became busier. It seemed that only for a moment, all the exam papers flew over. Every day living in the "on also", ABC world, without the past "light Luo small fan flapping fireflies, lying to see morning glory Vega" of the scene, in the face of parents, teachers eager hope, I under pressure. The pressure is on me, so what do I do? "The rain has stopped at last! It's over!" Mother said with a smile. However, a word wake up a dreamer! "Past", after all, can be past! The pressure is on, I'm not afraid!

  Throughout my life, I have met with stress. Fish have pressure, to swim in the sea, to withstand the baptism of the waves, there will be the miracle of diving Longmen; Eagle has the pressure, can fly in the blue sky, withstand the wind and frost of hone, can have the powerful heroic: I have the pressure, can gallop in the examination room, withstood the test of all disciplines, can have a brilliant life! An apple made Newton attract the world, a pot of boiling water made Watt turn the world. In the face of pressure, will go to sea and sail, can not experience the magnificent sea; In the face of pressure, will climb and stop, can not enjoy the scenery of the mountain. "Long wind and waves will sometimes hang the clouds and sails to the sea"! The wind was still blowing furiously, and the rain was still falling furiously. Some hair messy, some thoughts dull. The pressure is on, but the footsteps are still moving forward...

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇12

  The word pressure, I always thought I was far away from it, did not think it is in my side. I just didn't know where I wanted to go. I lost my way. The pressure of study and life are different. In school, you need to worry about your exam results and the qualifications you need to get. Life for the cost of living, after graduation work and worry, one thing is not a small pressure.

  He is no longer that ignorant little girl, will only worry about today's homework more or less, back home and parents carefully prepared meals for us to go back to eat. Now we grow up, to make plans for their own life, everything has to learn to rely on their own slowly, all their decisions have to bear the consequences, can not blindly rely on parents.

  How I wish I would never grow up, experience the hard work of adults, don't have to feel the pressure from all sides, pressure I can't breathe. Especially in the face of every exam results, you want it to be good, you also try to do your best, but the results may not be as we mean. Is the so-called: life unhappy things, nine out of ten. Who's to say everything will turn out the way we want it to?

  I also want to share some of the pressure for my parents, so that they can relax and enjoy the happiness. Hard work for most of my life is for the child, if the child is not worthy, that sad sad also said that gave birth to our parents to raise our parents. We are also sorry for their sweat and effort. The best reward for them is to study hard, work hard, to achieve satisfactory results to them is the most happy thing. And many parents are hoping that their children can be healthy, safe, happy, happy, these are their biggest wish.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇13

  This thought that the sixth grade should have no pressure, but did not expect, just a few days in school, the homework like a shock wave to me. After class play less time, the problem becomes more difficult, originally home homework as long as do about seven, now at least one more time! Oh, the pressure is really on!

  Because we are graduating class, this semester time and tight, the teacher can only increase horsepower, improve the speed, the knowledge into our minds, we can only desperately remember, write ah write. However, I feel the pressure doubled, or the math, the teacher assigned classroom work although not a lot, but the original action is pretty fast, I also become slow. Especially the calculation, the calculated value of the full six figures, I could not help pinching the sweat. And especially easy to calculate wrong, not careful will point the wrong decimal point, and to calculate again. The formulas are confusing me again.

  The original weekend, just need to review the homework on Saturday morning, and then finish the homework, the rest of the time is free to spend. But, uh, this is a different day. On Saturday and Sunday, I had to do my homework and review every morning, and sometimes I had to read books in the afternoon. And to put the book from the third grade has been reviewed to the sixth grade, not only to do the teacher assigned homework, and home homework to complete. It's making my head spin all day. Who said I was a senior?

  I didn't expect the pressure to come, and I thought I had done my homework too early. And now? I hate that I don't have enough time!

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇14

  Since the sixth grade in primary school, I have experienced what is pressure. Third grade when I took the class fourth, fourth grade I took the class third, fifth grade I am still third, sixth grade is the fifth. Behind me to catch up with more students, the pressure, also increased.

  This semester will enter the review stage, my heart is more and more heavy, the chest seems to block a big stone, stuffy out of breath. Sometimes sitting at the desk, eyes are full of notebooks, books, papers... When my mother asked what to learn, what to do such words, I always want to cry. There were times when I cried softly under the covers when I fell asleep, but finally I cried in front of my mother.

  In fact, I am not tired of learning, nor want to skip class, I am bored, want to cry, even if the empty street shout aloud? As we know, the sixth grade is the most important stage of primary school, even if learning, this is too cruel?

  Many times I have tried to tell my mother that I am very tired, do not let my learning machine study, if the machine used for a long time to turn off or do not let it stop for a while, it will break! What's more, I'm human? Just let me stop for a moment!

  The inexhaustible supply of tutoring materials often keeps us up late into the night. We are growing now. Can we grow without sleep? We're not tall. Who's to blame? Do you blame the tutoring materials, big and small? The bookstore is selling these tutorials. Can't you blame the bookstore? So who or what can be blamed? Mother's pains I can understand, but bought this book to buy that book; This one is good, that one is good, which one should I buy? Forget it! Buy a piece!

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇15

  Because of the agreement with the breeze, is to supervise her composition. Today, I opened her collection and found that he did not send yesterday, so I asked her why. He said, because the school is about to start, a little lazy.

  I can only say that I should have been aware of the pressure! During this period of time, also began to lazy, from two consecutive days on the bed will be enough to see! In fact, when the alarm clock rings, there is to think of it, but also thought of ah, to start school ah, then I do not know whether there will be devil training, otherwise cherish the good of bed first!

  So, this period of time, really lazy! Is a kind of subconscious to lazy, is also a kind of deliberate lazy! Crazy on the computer, then refuse to read books, refuse to accept new knowledge, and then the single loop, especially willful listening to a song to fall asleep. Maybe because of the thought of the future and like junior high school, I will not have such a day, so... That includes shopping sprees!

  When I woke up in the morning, I turned on my mobile phone and found that Chen Shi's teacher had sent a message saying that we were going to report on 30th. Friends of the gold sigh yesterday started school, I heard that everything to eat and live is a lot, he took photos, the scenery is good! Is a good friend sent me ~!

  These days I feel like I've been dreaming about school. Last night I dreamed of opening, and then I met a special obscene boy in primary school, and then I went to the whole class playing mobile phones, every class is the same, and then the boys in the primary school called me to play the guitar! ...

  No expectation, no fear, just subconscious pressure! No wonder these days when doing things are not attentive, experience less than happy! These days to read very few books, always feel irritable, always feel time is not enough, the more feel, the more can not watch! Then, Wubi also gave up practice. Maybe you're feeling the pressure!

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇16

  Today, I tell you about this news will be for the students to the heart of the injustice are poured out. Here's the news: Experts estimate that more than 80 percent of kids nationwide don't get enough sleep, getting only seven to nine hours, compared to the normal 10 hours. As a result, some children will doze off in class, leading to a decline in academic performance. I read the news, and applauded: "Finally someone in the study pressure on this issue for our pupils to fight for injustice!"

  This news, this article is like a ray of sunshine to my fear of homework, which makes me have a feeling of happiness in my heart. The first thing that came to my mind was my "fat" schoolbag. Once, I suddenly thought: "How heavy is my schoolbag? Let me weigh it." As a result, its weight surprised me: 10 jin! No wonder I feel sore and sore in my shoulder every day. Determined to "slim it down," I kept putting books out and sometimes stuffing them in. This inside and out toss for two or three days, I said, or 10 catties! It seems that the bag is hopelessly obese for the elderly. Alas, never mind.

  I believe many students have the same feeling as me, all day long is to write, do, read, although this semester from the beginning of the semester to the present homework is not much, but later is a hard day or a good day I am not sure. In the first few semesters, when Miss Li assigned homework, we whispered: "less, less..." But the work is like an overwhelming sea of general pressure over, so that we were caught off guard, repeated complaints. Fortunately, approaching the final exam homework suddenly less, let us have a chance to breathe, otherwise, the head will write faint.

  At present, Beijing, Shandong and other places are advocating quality education, in the original boring study life, Beijing Opera, ancient Chinese, three-character classics, etc., tell students to learn and use actively, rather than rote memorization. Learning to learn good quality, if those things are memorized, will not be used, is not on paper, all the previous efforts wasted?

  Teachers, please assign less homework, pay attention to the results, in the learning pressure of this problem for our primary school students to think about it!

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇17

  Ok, I'm really tired -- inscription

  Since the fourth grade, more and more pressure to study, the teacher assigned more and more homework. I'm getting more and more overwhelmed. One oversight and I made a mistake.

  Remember that day, I did my homework late at night, I was very tired, I fell asleep. The next day I woke up and saw the alarm clock next to my bed. It said 6:45. I was so surprised that I was going to be late! I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. On the back of the bag ran to school, came to school, this just think of the homework is not done. Do your homework before you've even started. Turns out there was this guy who usually doesn't like me. He reported it to the teacher. I was criticized by the teacher on the spot in the first class. The teacher asked me to talk to her in the office after class. I kept my head down and said nothing during the conversation. I don't say, I dare not say, is also impossible to say. Once said, the teacher will scold me more violently.

  I can't handle this anymore. I can't handle fourth grade at all. I'm tired! Now I just want to lie quietly in bed. A good sleep does not need to worry, do not need to think about, can sleep to wake up naturally. I also noticed that in the fourth grade, I changed. I don't worry about anything. I have to think about everything now. I'm very reserved in talking to others. I want to ask myself, where did the old heartless me go?

  Not only face the pressure of study, I also face the pressure of life. Every day in the face of mother's accusations, my heart is very upset, I am very sad, I don't want to be scolded by my mother, but the pressure of learning every day I can't come over, almost can't adapt to the double pressure.

  I'm tired. Please give me a break. I'm really tired.

  英语作文:Stress in life 篇18

  Always think that learning is no pressure, the achievement is easy to take up. But the pressure finally found its way to the door.

  At the end of the day, parents and teachers did not put forward clear requirements for the ranking, even if there is, there is no measure to reach. In the absence of self-flagellation, this is very easy to slack off, and it will not be done.

  The recent stage appeared the phenomenon of the landslide, unexpectedly quit the ranks of the top 30 grade (two consecutive). A week ago, teacher Xie asked me whether I had the confidence to rush to the top ten grade, I subconsciously answered "yes"! The new semester, of course, is to fight high, set up a more ambitious goal, is not a good thing. The teacher also proposed to let me rush into the top ten with another student, immediately agreed, two-way win-win is more good.

  What is the difference between the top ten grades and the top thirty ages? Not talent, but attitude and mastery of the minutiae. Li Yiping, who ranked first in ten thousand years, put all his focus on study and applied all his time in a reasonable way, thus achieving remarkable results.

  Now it's really a lot of pressure, the promise must be fulfilled, not to mention the teacher has a punishment scheme ah. Make up your mind to start in class first.

  A class of forty minutes, as long as the teacher began to speak, then played a dozen points of spirit, every word is afraid of falling, every slightly mentioned knowledge point, to be hungry to pick it to the book. In this way, I greatly improve the efficiency of listening.

  Moreover, it is important to practice more. Every time after returning home, to turn over the full solution or look at the textbook, will remember the knowledge, then practice. After finishing the homework, do additional exercises, from each exercise to find their own weaknesses in one aspect. It has certainly filled the gaps and benefited a lot.

  The top ten, like a spell on my mind, will always be with me. It is a reachable goal, but also a promise to myself. No pressure, there is no rise, no pay.

  In your heart, there is always someone or something you can care about all your life, an irresistible force that pushes you forward.

  Top 10.

  Top 10.

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