

时间:2021-06-19 17:43:52 导游词大全 我要投稿





  Friends, now we have reached the core of the world geological park -- Laojun Mountain. Eight hundred in Funiu Mountain, read a pair of antithetical couplet: "Junshan not Mexican rifle painting, no stringed Guqin Yi wan". Yes, Laojun Mountain is indeed a picture scroll, a landscape painting with the five sacred mountains. Now we are standing in front of the picture, let us as Huazhou stretch, savor this piece of natural landscape charm!


  Laojun Mountain scenery room mountain, Hua mountain, room collapsed flat three peaks, called "Fu Niu sanding" and "Junshan three sisters", 1997 by the State Council approved the establishment of the Laojun Mountain National Nature Reserve ", is now the center view Funiu Mountain World Geological Park Luanchuan park.


  Laojun Mountain is the core scenic spot, there is a heavy cultural accumulation, two is rich in scientific connotation, granite Landform Scenic Spots unique. At the entrance to Laojun Mountain, which is in the region of high and low mountainous areas bordering the river coast, the distribution of giant geological structures of Paleozoic of North China plate, southern boundary feature with black ditch Luanchuan fault zone (Luanchuan is named, enough to show the typical structure of heritage preservation). The different historical stages in the evolution of the crust plays an important role of the geological relics, is divided China, central mountain range of Qinling Mountains orogenic belt and North China plate line two first grade tectonic units, it records the ancient period of continental rifting, Paleozoic plate tectonic system formed in the period of the Mesozoic era, creating the intracranial orogeny the movement and the new generation of the new tectonic movement of nappe structural features, on the back at the southern margin of the North China block cracking, discrete, proliferation, aggregation, and collision orogenic evolution, with high value of scientific research. Affected by the new tectonic movement, Laojunshan granite landscape from the north to the South show saw shaped stacked Cuesta Landscape -- the peak - slumping peak slip to the scarp topography, is an important supplement to the generation of orogenic granite landscape series.


  Three, the environment is excellent and the scenery is charming. Nature with its magic markers in different seasons and different colors to Laojun Mountain, in these masterpieces of nature, is the most charming autumn color. Laojun Mountain is the main autumn chrysanthemum meta, a pier, a linked. When the autumn wind blowing, see flowers surging, color wave fluctuation. In early October, Laojunshan cenglinjinran, "the trees 10000 Qi fire, red leaves in February flower" wonders. The characteristics of Junshan five Jiaofeng, Chai Lin, Cotinus coggygria Jiangsu, Yunyang not all over the mountains and plains, kapok tree, persimmon leaf, sumac all visitors to the show with their different shades of red, pink, red, black, red, crimson flow is really Dan! Is "Junshan red autumn day Mushuang competition, 000 brilliant red". This is red leaf Doo yeon.


  Four is the original Linhai, ancient beauty. In Laojun Mountain more than 1500 meters above sea level there is a large area of the original forest, because the mountain cold gas and the short spring special climatic effects of winter long, the number of changing patterns of guaixiang. They began to drop leaves after the Mid Autumn Festival, and in October they shook off the green show and exposed the novelty of the ancient forests. Here, the growth of birch oak Qing Gang, Black wax, etc. such as carved like plastic mountain elm tree in different poses and with different expressions. Some trees look like snakes; some are like Kihashi Yokokahiranobu; some are like camels bending over bows; others are like eagles flying with wings. These ancient forests note still had many trees in one's heart, like peach hung on the branches. These are the lustrous and dazzling appearance phenomena forest known as the "beauty of the ancient forest".


  Ladies and gentlemen, please move your eyes to the right. Yishanbangshui here, extraordinary momentum. Here is yet to be developed Qiliping Luanchuan tourism service center, covers an area of 0.6 square kilometers, it is backed by Iraq on Funiu Mountain, river, left and right are entrenched Qinglong tiger guard, with China traditional culture "Feng Shui" concept. Service center of "Cultural Square". The "Funiu mountaingeological Museum" and "tourism reception" and Funiushan World Geopark of Luanchuan theme monument, geo science promenade, dinosaur sculptures and wall reliefs, Heluo culture Luanchuan fault geological profiles and other buildings into groups. Two years later, here you can enjoy a taste of modern culture and historical culture and natural science has the heavy.


  Ladies and gentlemen, we travel and move the car, Junshan Huazhou continues to unfold, Ling Guan temple came into your eyes.


  Respected visitors, from here to the top of the mountain, go through dozens of minutes. Laojun Mountain scenery will Huazhou continuous development to you in your taste of beauty at the same time, I will be an important historical relics "Laojun Mountain scenic area of the uterus too" to you as a simple introduction.


  Friends, several historical monuments, makes us feel the vicissitudes of life, both dead person and people's Ming very touching. Valiant has passed away, the rivers still new, let us continue to enjoy this scroll bar Chiaki Junshan!


  Friends, in front of the rock, called stack stone, when the ride cow driving clouds came to the scene for the green room mountain, walk too hard and keep the stone on rolling down the hill, then alerted the emperor Xiangcheyunxiao, Mountains fall and the earth splits., Huang Wensheng, Qiazhiyisuan said "rock, morals, king room. But, the sermons, mortal blessing". The back, rocks rolled down, busy hands whisk Yang, stone flying, falling back, seamless, was relieved of cow said: "big mountains, hurt creatures of sorrow, you and I must be careful," green "moo" sound and nodded to the summit go. After nine hundred years of the Tang Dynasty poet Li He heard the story, wrote "rock funny autumn" the eternal quatrains.


  Friends, it's about 15 minutes away from here to the parking lot. In order to make your 15 minutes happy and full, while you continue to enjoy the scenery of Laojun Mountain, I want to introduce to you the most beautiful and intoxicating season of the year in -- autumn scenery of Junshan.


  Friends, if you fall again to visit Laojun Mountain, Laojun Mountain in the autumn will make you a worthwhile trip! Now we continue to watch the beautiful Laojun Mountain spindle. With the stop of the wheel of sightseeing tour, we arrived at the parking lot. This is the end of the mountain bike. Climbing up the mountain is a hiking trail. If we say, from below here is just thick to see the scene, then, from now on we began to dismount fine taste of tourism.


  This place is the largest open area on the mountain road. The upper mountains overlap, the trees are green, and retain the original forest appearance. The South Pass Laojunshan peak, Southeast of a bitter temple called rescue concave, through West cliff.


  (front) this tree is called "leading spring wood", which belongs to the national key protected plant, also called "key tree". In autumn, the leaves turn red and turn yellow again, which is a famous ornamental tree species.


  Strange cliff landscape, ancient wind by air and numerous Huashan pine, at the foot of a thousand feet cliff is hung.


  The grey green coniferous tree, called Huashan pine, is made of fine materials and can be used as building materials and furniture. Its seeds are large, oily, edible, born in the mountains above 1000 meters above sea level.


  In front of that bark, gray brown flake falling off, is the pine, is a Chinese endemic tree species, its material is excellent, is the high quality building materials and furniture materials.


  This section of mountain road step by step, five steps ninety percent off, up up very difficult. Please take a short rest and look at the scenery in the west. Friends, all of you look to the west, first of all we see, that is to say, the mountain near us is called Ding Ding mountain, and a little farther away is called Hua Shan mountain. Ding Ding mountain 2052 meters above sea level, you can see a transparent cave on the top of the mountain. Is actually a stone a stone door hole, there are a pile of stones, the local people call it a mess in the tripod, around it, cylindrical stone buildings, high and low, above the pine emerald moss, Gualv, has high ornamental value. A little further room called Hua mountain, commonly known as the goddess mound, 2072 meters above sea level, there are more than 20 mountains stand side by side, above the staghorns upside down, the extraordinary momentum.


  The peak of Laojun Mountain is composed of porphyritic biotite granite two ". It is a relatively young granite body formed during the uplift and orogeny of the Qinling Mountains orogenic belt from 1.4 to 80 million, which was named "Laojun Mountain rock mass" by geologists in the province". And it has been recognized by domestic experts, for Laojunshan rock, the tectonic denudation long, created a landscape in Qifeng Valley, tall and straight and beautiful, become a great place to different people, people of the Holy Land and self-cultivation.


  Friends, please calm down, because we will soon enter the Laojun Mountain scenery the most beautiful and wonderful "Stone Forest scenic spot". One might think of mention Shilin Li Autonomous County of Yunnan Lunan Stone Forest, think of the beautiful Asma. The stone forest in Luanchuan, Junshan is quite different from the stone forest in Yunnan. From the geological point of view, Yunnan stone forest is a typical limestone karst landform, and Luanchuan, Junshan belongs to submarine volcanic rocks and volcanic sedimentary rock series. In appearance, the stone statues of Yunnan stone forest are numerous, and they are small and strange; the stone statues of Junshan stone forest are relatively few, but they are majestic and rare. Such analogy, Yunnan stone forest is a group of singing and dancing of the South pretty sister, Junshan stone forest is a group of mighty North man. Seen Yunnan stone forest friends, saw the stone forest in Junshan, in the enjoyment of its magic at the same time, will also experience a bit of Yunnan stone forest verve.


  We have entered the stone forest scenic spot, the more wonderful saying is: we have entered wonderland. Because some people say that the Junshan stone forest is "reduced Wonderland", the expansion of bonsai". Since it is a wonderland, certainly is the immortal gathering place, let us go to appreciate their beauty fairy appearance.


  You tourists, we just visited the stone forest landscape, only a part of the stone forest in Junshan, there is still a large part of the development, we have to wait for the next time, to do the appreciation.


  Here is the Laojun Mountain is the top, Liang Po Taiwan, Huang Ding Shuangfeng confrontation, in a door called South Gate, meaning the high door platform, built before the rear laojundian, Canon house, Ming and Qing two generations are called Lao Tzu building. The original construction began in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Tang Dynasties rebuilt, weichijingde had rebuilt a taskmaster, Ming Dynasty is the most prosperous, he will follow, iron bell, bull, a piece of beautiful decoration, after the liberation was destroyed, now the temple was rebuilt in 1987.


  The name "Jinding Taiqing view" the sun is shining golden, the meaning of worship hall with Lao and alcohol incense gods, after the moral palace Tripitaka is the place of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty under the edict issued by the Scriptures to the world famous. In this "imperial edict monument" said clearly. Laojun Mountain is a famous mountain, not a self styled one.


  This is nineteen years of Ming Dynasty cast iron bell. Standing in front of the friends of the two peaks, the East is called Bao Bao Taiwan, the west is called the Jade Emperor top, there are a small temple on each.


  Liang Bao Tai Lao legend is the baby show. One year at the beginning of April eight, the gods to view room to listen to Lao Jun preaching, after the gods asked to see Lao zhenshanzhibao, Laojun reached the peak out of yin and Yang Fan, Tai Chi, alchemy furnace. Three treasures of bling, around three weeks to Laojun spinner Laojun hands, all praise.


  The best place to watch the sunrise Liangbao Taiwan is also at the beginning, a little red clouds and fog, a trend which cannot be halted. Instant shine, into a brilliant, the exciting majestic momentum, an open mind, unforgettable. Friends, stay for a night, look at the sunrise, not to come here.


  The peak on the west side is called the Jade Emperor ding. The Jade Emperor is the biggest body in China and the king of the gods. There are countless civil and military servants in the world. Of course, such a great God should be respected everywhere. There are only more than 20 places in the Jade Emperor Pavilion, the Jade Emperor Temple and the Jade Emperor view in Beijing. Therefore, the Jade Emperor in Laojun Mountain is also a clean thing.


  Please friends to the north, Luanchuan County Yi River as a visible before the eyes, white ribbon passing through the city. The county to the north of Qianshan Wan Ling called xiong'ershan. The south of the county of Qinling Mountains is called the East mountains.


  North County Tantou, Qiu Ba, lion temple, clay, camp Ma Chao line to the north of the Xiong'er mountain peak, the bottom is composed of about 3 billion 500 million years ago to 1 billion years, after the formation of the northern Qinling Mountains continental orogenic belt thrust fold belt.


  Camp Ma Chao to lake south of the line to the county (North River) is a thrust nappe from North Qinling Mountains orogenic belt. 1 billion 400 million years ago to Luanchuan group, Tao Wanqun 570 million years of the Asian continent (with unique local place names) sedimentary sequence, belongs to the North China block at the southern margin of the back arc basin in the carbon, carbon mud of calcareous flysch, flysch, and basic dyke swarms invade, bedrock. In the Mesozoic after 200 million years, this area has become the foreland thrust belt of the northern thrust belt of the intracontinental orogenic belt, accompanied by strong magmatic activity, and formed a large number of molybdenum based polymetallic deposits. One of the eight major molybdenum deposits in the world, the largest molybdenum deposit in Asia, has become the base of molybdenum industry in china.


  Yi River (black ditch - Luanchuan fault zone in the south of Laojun Mountain) to granite, dating back 1 billion 800 million years to 570 million years, the southern margin of the North China block crust cracks formed submarine volcano rock and volcanic sedimentary rock series in eruption trough in extensional tectonic expansion under the dynamic conditions, showing crack in the tectonic environment of the sea.


  The peak of the mountain is flat and steep. The summit of pine forest, named in a wild profusion of vegetation, field, the legend is that no one on earth, morals favored Hong Jun ancestor fabricated clay, after drying and to the ten side of the pure land, only the people on earth. One day old Hong Jun, a time to pick up. Hurry hand rub, thrown into the air, causing some blind little ears, fold limbs disabled form of human society.


  We see the sun in the field below, the East Mountain Temple Laojun tendency, named pilgrimage peak, middle mountain called Song Cuifeng.


  Stand here eastward on the horizon, a corn grain size gap is yique in Longmen Luoyang.


  As the saying goes There is no story without coincidences., the rocks are long together, they had nothing to say, just leave a gap, and the road passing through here, by only one person, regardless of the fat, can squeeze past.


  This time because of the time and the weather, and some scenic wonders of Laojun Mountain we did not enjoy, but in 1775 aboard the Songshan said: "a good view not destined born again, tour", hope everyone will have a chance to come to enjoy the aura of green mountains and rivers in Laojun Mountain. I wish you a I wish you a happy voyage. way.









