

时间:2021-11-24 08:12:30 分数线 我要投稿
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  1. 表示现在经常性或习惯性的动作。如:

  My sister wears glasses. 我妹妹戴眼镜。

  He often goes to the cinema. 他经常去看电影。


  “Do you ever eat meat?” “No, I never eat meat.”“你吃肉吗?”“从不吃肉。”

  2. 表示现在(或经常性)的情况或状态。如:

  Mother is ill. 母亲病了。

  He is always like that. 他总是那样。

  He likes living in the country. 他喜欢住在乡下。

  We need a lot of money. 我们需要一大笔钱。

  3. 表示现在的.能力、特征、职业等。如:

  He sings well. 他唱歌唱得好。

  Mr. Smith teaches French. 史密斯先生教法语。

  4. 表示客观真理、科学事实、格言以及不受时间限制的客观存在。如:

  Summer follows spring. 春去夏来。

  Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

  The earth turns around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。


  1. 当主句为将来时态或表示将来意义时,时间和条件的状语从句必须用一般现在时表将来。如:

  I’ll write to her when I have time. 我有空会给她写信。

  Turn off the lights before you leave. 走前关灯。

  If we hurry, we may catch the bus. 如果赶紧走我们可能赶得上公共汽车。

  Tell me in case you get into difficulty. 遇到困难请告诉我。

  【注】① 除表示时间和条件的状语从句外,表示让步、相似、比例的从句也必须用一般现在时表示将来。如:

  I’ll follow him wherever he goes. 他去哪儿,我就跟着去哪儿。

  Whatever you say, I won’t pay. 无论你说什么,我都不会付钱。

  Whether we help him or not, he will fail. 无论我们帮他与否,他都会失败。

  I’ll have a good time whether I win or lose. 赢也好,输也好,我都将会玩好。

  The more you eat, the fatter you will become. 你吃得越多就会越胖。

  ② 另外,当主句为用将来时态时,定语从句也通常用一般现在时表将来。如:

  I’ll give you anything you ask for. 你要什么我都给你。

  You can have anything I find. 我找到的任何东西你都可以拿去。

  Everyone who comes first will get a present. 每个先来的人都可得到一份礼物。


  It was a freezing day, when I picked up a wallet in the street. There was nothing 1 but a letter that was 2 Hellen. On the torn 3 I found the return address, so I called information. The operator asked me to 4 on, and she came back on the 5 soon, she told me that Hellenes family had 6 their house years ago. Hellen had to 7 her mother in a nursing home.

  I called and found out that Hellenes mother had 8 , The woman who answered 9 that Hellen herself was 10 living here.

  The director waited for me at the 11 of the nursing home. I went up to the third floor. Hellen was an old woman with a warm smile and 12 eyes. I told her about finding the wallet and showed her the letter. She took a deep 13 “Young man,” she said, “this was the 14 letter I had written to Mike 60 years ago. I loved him very much. I guess no one ever 15 up to him. I still think of him…”

  I thanked Hellen and came back to the director. His secretary looked at the wallet 16 and said, “Hey, that’s Mr. Goldstein’s. He’s always losing it. He’s 17 here on the 8th floor. That’s his wallet, for 18 .”

  We hurried to him and asked 19 he had lost his wallet. Mike felt his back pocket and then said. “Goodness, it’s missing.”

  When I returned him the wallet and told him where Hellen was, he grew 20 . “When the letter came,” He said, “my life ended. I never married.”

  We took him to Helen’s room. They stood, looked at each other for a minute and embraced (拥抱).

  1. A. on B. here C. inside D. outside

  2. A. sent for B. written to C. given D. signed

  3. A. letter B. envelope C. wallet D. back

  4. A. hold B. keep C. put D. go

  5. A. way B. floor C. line D. car

  6. A. bought B. sold C. moved D. built

  7. A. carry B. place C. drive D. bury

  8. A. left B. returned C. stayed D. died

  9. A. explained B. thought C. discovered D. considered

  10. A. again B. still C. now D. then

  11. A. door B. house C. office D. wall

  12. A. bursting B. freezing C. friendly D. lively

  13. A. dive B. sight C. how D. breath

  14. A. important B. oldest C. first D. last

  15. A. went B. matched C. caught D. measured

  16. A. immediately B. clearly C. closely D. exactly

  17. A. also B. over C. right D. still

  18. A. sure B. pleasure C. help D. interest

  19. A. that B. if C. where D. when

  20. A. nervous B. silent C. pale D. anxious

  参考答案: 1~5 CDBAC 6~10 BBDAB 11~15 ACDDB 16~20 C高考英语一般现在时复习资料BC


  aspirin 阿司匹林

  emergence department 急诊室

  ICU (= intensive care unit)特护病房

  treatment 治疗手段

  take one’s temperature / blood pressure 测量体温/血压

  medicine: pills / tablets 药丸/药片

  heart attack 心脏病

  cold / flu 流感:have/catch a cold

  headache 头痛

  stomach-ache 胃痛

  backache 背痛腰痛

  sore-throat 喉咙痛

  cough 咳嗽

  fever 发热

  How is it going? How are you?

  回答好:I’m fine. / I feel good / terrific. / I couldn’t be better. / Nothing

  is very wrong with me.

  回答不好:I am not feeling good. / I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not

  myself these days. (注意听语气:身体好的时候,语调上扬,语气非常欢快; 身体不好的时候,降调,语气非常郁闷。)










