

时间:2021-11-23 18:12:35 暑假作业答案 我要投稿
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  StarterUnits 1-3参考答案:




  II. 1. game 2.zoo 3. tea 4.bike 5. red 6. map 7. big 8. late

  III.1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.D 10.B

  作业2 Unit1参考答案:


  I.1. first 2. phone 3. zero 4. meet 5. three 6. eight

  II. 1-5 CDCAD

  III.1. What’s her 2. What’s her 3. His name 4. Is your 5. is not

  6. Yes is 7. No, aren’t 8. the name of

  Ⅳ. 1. telephone number is 2. your phone No isn’t 3. ID card 4. am Nice to meet 5. What’s a key 6. My name 7. What’s his 8. telephone number

  V.1. years 2. is 3. eleven 4. my 5.friends

  能力提升: 1-5CAABC 6-10 DDCBA

  作业3 Unit2参考答案:



  1.father. 2. Mother. 3.parents. 4.cousin, daughter. 5.photo, family. 6.picture.


  are 2.Those 3.first 4.are 5.parents


  These ,are 2.Who, are 3.Are ,your 4.This ,isn’t 5.Yes , it 6.Who 7. These are 8. Father, mother. Ⅳ.完成句子

  your, son 2. My , a 3. These, are 4. Those, are 5. These , brother 6.Who’re

  Those , parents. 8. He’s, brother


  family 2. parents 3. Those 4. brother 5. Is

  能力提升:C C B D C

  4 Unit3参考答案


  I 1.these 2.His 3.dictionary 4. Excuse 5. Thank 6. notebook

  II 1. my Her 2. not her 3. his, his 4. that a 5. you his 6-10 CCBAB

  Ⅲ 1. What’s that 2. Is your it is mine 3. It isn’t 4. How do you spell 5. It is not her ruler. 6. Those are watches

  7. How is 8. What’s this

  Ⅳ 1. your pencil it is It’s my pencil 2. your ring it isn’t It’s his ring 3. What’s this It’s an orange 4. How do you spell 5. call at 6. a set of keys 7. Ask for 8. ID school card

  V Keys are Are your me


  1. Many Chinese people eat three meals a day./ Three.

  2.have/eat, for 3.lunch , tea 4.C 5 开放性试题,答案不唯

  作业5 Unit 4参考答案:


  I.1. those 2. photos 3. friends 4. math 5. plant 6. room

  II. 1-5.BAAAC

  III.1. Is not 2. Is my 3. Where are 4.is on 5.That is 6. I don’t know her phone number. 7. I need my notebook 8. Can you bring the key to your brother?

  Ⅳ. 1. Is under 2. Where are 3. are everywhere 4. model hers 5. are on 6. need don’t know

  7. bring to

  V.1. are 2. has 3. to find 4. help 5.asks

  能力提升:完形填空:CADBC ADBCD