
时间:2022-11-23 14:24:11 邀请函 我要投稿
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dear simon,


how is everything going?

i am writing to tell you that my boss mr. li plans to go to united kingdom for business trip. meanwhile he wants to visit the school for his son and his son will accompany with him. so please communicate with the relevant person in axiom capital limited and ask for an invitation letter for us. we really appreciate your kindness, and merry christmas.

the content of invitation letter as follows:

出国邀请函 [篇2]








出国邀请函 [篇3]


we are pleased to invite jaris mohamed (date of birth: 30/05/1965,nationality: egyptian; passport number: 589253; date of expiry:12/07/2012) who suffered from xx disease to the xx hospital,beijing, p. r. china to receive xx treatment. also, we are pleasedto invite erbrina mohamed (date of birth: 11/2/1971, nationality:egyptian; passport number: 548492; date of expiry: 18/07/2017) andwisavo mohamed (date of birth: 18/7/1965, nationality: egyptian;passport number: 1817894; date of expiry: 07/08/2019) as theattendants during the treatment in our hospital.

我们诚挚的邀请jarismohamed(出生日期:1965年5月30日;国籍:埃及;现持护照号码:589253;护照到期时间:2012年7月12日)前往中国北京xx医院接受xx 治疗其患有的xx 病。同时我们邀请erbrinamohamed(出生日期:1971年2月11日;国籍:埃及;现持护照号码:548492;护照到期时间:2017年7月18日)与wisavomohamed(出生日期:1965年7月18日;国籍:埃及;现持护照号码:1817894;护照到期时间:2019年8月7日)来我院作为住院期间的陪护人员。

please kindly issues single-entry 3 months validity visas for themto enable their coming. thank you very much for your support inadvance.



出国邀请函 [篇4]

the invitation letter submitted by the company must contain all the data hereby specified w ithout any exception. data w ill lead to a rejection of the (the invitation letter is to be drafted in english on headed pa-pe-r, signed by a legal person and sealed with the company chop)


xx-xxx-x embassy in beijing

(place)..........................., (date)................................

object: visa request for the staff currently employed by the company (name in english).............................................located in……………

with this letter we kindly request to issue the visas to (number)………...person(s)

of the company.............………………....., who has/have been invited to visit our company in ...........................................(place) from..............until..............., with the purpose of................................................................................................................(state

the reason and the detailed purpose of the trip, the undergoing cooperation project, purchase or sale orders etc.).

the delegation is made up by the following persons:

will the

be hotel


borne located

airplane tickets, board and lodging expenses by.....…...................(indicate the bearer of all the expenses).

the above stated people will be lodged at in...............................street...................................,telephone number.......................................

i, the undersigned..……………………………...................................representing the company.......................(denomination of the italian company) and inviting the foreign citizen(s), declare to be aware of the italian law on immigration and of the responsibilities indicated in the article 12, section 1 of the legislative decree dated 25 july 1998, n.286 and of its further amendments.

we furthermore guarantee to cover all the medical expenses of the above citizens during the entire period of stay in xx-xxx-x and we assure that they will go back before the expiry of the visa.

documents to be enclosed to the invitation letter: please refer to the attached “document for the business visa”

please note: we will not keep into consideration invitations if the inviter does not take any responsibility concerning the invitation

出国邀请函 [篇5]

dear xx-x:

i am writing to invite you to join me in xx-xx(city name) and to stay with me here for three years until my current course finishes in december 2015. i am also sending you a set of documents, listed below, for your use in connection with your application for entry clearance to enter the uk as my dependant.

i confirm that i will be responsible for financing our stay in the uk and that of our child, xx-x. i will provide for our daily expenses and the cost of our accommodation. a copy of my tenancy agreement are enclosed as evidence of the arrangement that i have already made for our housing.

the documents that i am sending you with this letter comprise: (a) photocopy of relevant pages from my passport.(b) an official university of nottingham letter confirming the details of my mphil/phd course.(c) a letter from my university sponsor giving details of the scholarship i am receiving for my current course of study (d) my most recent three months bank statements from my uk bank account. (e) a copy of my tenancy agreement.

for further information, i can be contacted at the above address.

take care. love you

your husband

出国邀请函 [篇6]


ich lade hiermit herrn / frau / fraeulein


zuname, vorname


geburtsdatum, geburtsort




fuer die zeit vom________________ bis __________________ein。

ich verpflichte mich, fuer alle im zusammenhang mit dieser reise entstehenden kosten aufzukommen。 vom inhalt des §84 auslaendergesetz wurde ich durch umseitiger merkblatt in kenntiniss des verpflichtung wurde mir ausgehaedigt。


ort, datum



beglaubigung des unterschrift


zuname, vorname




wohnhaft, strass, wohnort

( ) personalausweis nr。: ____________________

( ) reisepass nr。: _________________________

hat vorstehende unterschrift vor mir vollzogen。 auf die verpflichtung gemaess §84 auslaedergesetz dies wird hiermit amtlich beglaubigt。












