

时间:2022-11-10 12:25:41 经典语录 我要投稿




  魔法灰姑娘经典语录 篇1

  1. Prince Charmont actually stepped on these tiles!

  2. [a bunch of girls get down and start kissing the floor]

  3. Tour Guide: Girls, stop tonguing the foyer!

  4. Hattie: Just admit you’re stupid and don’t know what you’re talking about.

  5. Ella: I’m stupid and I don’t know what I’m talking about.

  6. Hattie: Hold your tongue, Ella.

  7. [Ella literally holds her tongue]

  8. Prof. Edith: Ella!

  9. Ella: [still holding her tongue] My tongue itches.

  10. [scratches her tongue]11. Prof. Edith: Well, if you’re not going to take this seriously, I will have to appoint the winner as Hattie.

  12. Mean Little Girl: Bite me!

  13. [lttle Ella does so]

  14. Mean Little Girl: Ow!

  15. Lucinda here. Fairy par excellence.

  16. Now, wheres the baby?

  17. Fan Club Girl: Prince Charmont, are you a fast runner?

  18. Char: Not particularly, no. Why?

  19. Fan Club Girl: Get him!

  20. [a mob of girls start chasing Char]21. Ella: [angrily] Prince Charmont.

  22. Char: Please, call me…

  23. [sees Ella for the first time and is smitten]

  24. Char: …call me Char.

  25. Char: Ella of Frell you’re not like other girls.

  26. Ella: You have no idea.www.4124.com/jingdianduibai

  27. Narrator: So, while her stepfamily scratched newly-found itches / Ella was off, glad to be away from the… witches.

  28. Char: Tell me do you get a kick out of near death experiences?

  魔法灰姑娘经典语录 篇2

  1 . 你的内心信念比任何的咒语都要坚定。

  2 . 说什么或是让你去做什么,全都在于你的决定。

  3 . 你是我遇到的最美丽的意外。

  4 . 如果跟着你的心走,结局就如歌声般美妙。

  5 . 你不能走错路,如果你跟着你的心走结局就如同歌声般美妙。

  6 . 花开了,然后凋零。星星是璀璨的,可那光芒也会消失。

  7 . 这个地球、太阳、银河系甚至连这个宇宙也会有死亡的时候,人的`一生和这些东西相比,简直就像刹那间的事情,在这样的一瞬间,人降生了,笑着、哭着、憎恨、喜。

  8 . 黄愤怒和春野里到处散发着被那雪水沤烂了的枯草败叶的霉味,融混着麦苗、树木、野草发出来的清香。

  9 . 天空是沉碧的,太阳像海绵一样温软;风吹在人们身上使人着了魔一样地快活。

  10 . 如果有人让我单脚跳一天半,那么我别无选择,只能听从。但这还不是最糟糕的事。如果有人命令我把自己脑袋割下来,我也要必须服从。









