
家长会发言稿 英语

时间:2021-11-30 14:10:10 发言稿 我要投稿

家长会发言稿 英语

家长会发言稿 英语

家长会发言稿 英语

Parents speech to the parents:

First of all, to all parents are in your busy schedule to come to the parents' meeting heartfelt thanks! In our school and the claand grade work support to say thank you.

In the close cooperation of all parents, in all the teachers of meticulous education, children each respect to all made different degree of progress, of the clawalking in school front row.

The parents' meeting held for the purpose of strengthening teachers and parents, parents and parents, parents and students the link between mutual exchange student in the school and at home, so that the teachers can more specific implementation of education, parents can better education their children behave and become useful.

I believe the parents must be able to achieve the desired effect, made a success!

Today's meeting has three agenda:

The first is I will this one phase education teaching situation to us a report, and in the light of some problems existing in claand nearly stage student physiological and psychological characteristics, talk about family education method and its importance, and hope to get to the parents understanding, cooperation and support

Two is to please our classmates about claand their learning method

Three is please to the parents and the clais appointed the teacher combining students' practice, they are interested in the tohttp://p.kongkongji.com/1cmunication.

Performance review

The students in our claare a total of 25 people. Claeducation teaching in an orderly manner, students, between the harmonious relationship between teachers and students, the students' life and study progrein all aspects. In a caring and tolerant environment, in a teacher-and-students atmosphere, the teacher of meticulous education, the parents of the proper guidance, make our clabasic forms a a cohesive, have combat effectiveneof the class.

The teacher work rigorous, the attitude is decent, serious attitude, they carefully designed each lesson, carefully correcting every homework, patience, answer every question, of which the result of the examination, many games honor, every time the check after school is the best proof evaluation.

The students more and more like their own class, like his teacher. Today I can proudly say: in the school organization all previous exam, of our clatotal score always in first grade.

Students in grades at the same time, other various aspects ability also have greatly increased, from their self organization in all kinds of activities can obviously see out. Military training, the appeal, cultural festival, the clameeting, public class, etc. Various kinds of activities actively, students for the honor to win honor, clacollective sense of strong, in the activity, they display that spirit is moved, achieve good results is exciting. Not only enables students to get the exercise, also shows their ability, for they increase confidence. For them to believe that a successful also laid a solid foundation.

I believe that our students in future study, the life, in the personal character will have greater progress.


No education bad students. My guiding ideology is: all in order to improve the overall quality of students as a starting point, not a moment of honor, not the gaudy undeserved reputation, but students' scores and the ability to have a little a drop of improvement. Can let the student to do, and I will never step in, even if it is affect the comparison of claresults.

In the study, I never take the results concerning the hero, but focus on students' development, focus on students' best effort. Every time before and after the exam, I will be looking for students to talk, understand their mental states, reduce their psychological pressure, the student the bosom friends, lets the student studies with ease, learn happily. Because I know: the object of the clamanagement students, and students are having emotional thinking people.

At work, I deeply feel our students' active thinking, broad scope, has the individuality, assertive. They accept education not passive, but have a choice. Therefore, in the clapipe I respect their will, respect their personality, put them as a real \"person\". I used to think, not far from management system, but at the same time it must consider the student to the system level of acceptance, should see, only students willing to accept and willing to obey the system will play a good role. According to this thought, I claof the system are discussed by the clacommission, all the students can vote by, it eliminates the student to the management of outlaw motion and greatly enhance our claeducation management of the actual effect.

According to the characteristics of students themselves and the class, in dealing with some discipline phenomenon, I usually take a gentle attitude. The extremely individual classmates often discipline, main performance in clato talk, don't do homework, cause students dislike, these problems I always believe that is not a student in trouble on purpose, but character problem. In this kind of situation, I don't normally is too harsh, but to take the attitude of the mild, to students with the guidance of the methods and psychological combing.

Of course, our class, there are also some problems of the way, some of these also need to the parents support and cooperation

First some students good study habits have not form.

Individual students, every time the exam results are not so ideal, is actually learning habit is a bit poorer,'s performance in school such as: ZaoDou to claon time can't immediately after ZaoDou, ideas can't follow the teacher in clago, speak isn't aggressive enough, and listening to the efficiency is not high, the homework don't truly understand, even a copy homework phenomenon. Self-study and can't scientific and efficient arrangement study time, and self-study consciousneis not strong, can only finish the teacher the assignment, and nothing to do.

On the surf-ace, it seems to be students learning attitude problems, but I think this is the study habits, learning method. In elementary school is a teacher to teach me how to do I how to do, very few have their own views and ideas, into the middle school later, learning difficulty is increased, the amount of increase, to spend on their own time also bounteous, but learning method also change.

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