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  Huashan is located in the Qinling Mountain Range, which lies in southern Shaanxi province.

  Huashan (Hua means brilliant, Chinese, or flowery; shan means mountain) is one of the five sacred Taoist mountains in China. Huashan boasts a lot of religious sites: Taoist temples, pavilions, and engraved scriptures are scattered over the mountain.

  Hua Mountain is well-known for its sheer cliffs and plunging ravines. It is known as “the most precipitous mountain under heaven” and is probably the most dangerous mountain in the world frequented by hikers.

  Hua Mountain is located 120 kilometers east of Xi'an, about 3 hours from the city centre. There are five peaks that make up the mountain: Cloud Terrace Peak (North Peak, 1613m), Jade Maiden Peak (Middle Peak, 2042m), Sunrise Peak (East Peak, 2100m), Lotus Peak (West Peak, 2038m) and Landing Wild Goose Peak (South Peak, 2160m). North Peak, the lowest of the five, is the starting point. It has three ways up it: the six kilometer winding track from Huashan village, the cable car or the path beneath it.

  Next on the route is Jade Maiden Peak. Legend has it that a jade maiden was once seen riding a white horse among the mountains, hence the name. The hikers can choose to take a left to Sunrise Peak, a fine place to enjoy the view of the sunrise in early morning (which would involve climbing the mountain in the dark as there is nowhere to stay on the mountain).

  Alternatively visitors could take a right to Lotus Peak. Huashan means Flower Mountain, and it got the name from Lotus Peak, which resembles a beautifully blooming lotus flower. Finally there is a gondola which takes visitors acroa steep valley to Landing Wild Goose Peak, the highest among the five summits. The path to the summit is characterized by steep rock faces, with obstacles including a foot-wide plank walkway fixed to a sheer rock face with only a chain along the rock for support. The route continues with footholds in the rock and a chain for holding. This is followed by a vertical ladder in a cleft in the rock. Finally there are steep stone steps. The South Peak is not for the faint of heart and is particularly dangerous in winter weather. However, the views are breathtaking. The climb to its summit makes it clear how the impenetrable mountain repelled attackers over the centuries.

  As early as the second century BCE, there was a Daoist temple known as the Shrine of the Western Peak located at its base. Daoists believed that in the mountain lives a god of the underworld. The temple at the foot of the mountain was often used for spirits mediums to contact the god and his underlings. Unlike Taishan, which became a popular place of pilgrimage, Huashan only received local pilgrms, and was not well known in much of the rest of China. Huashan was also an important place for immortality seekers, as powerful drugs were reputed to be found there. Kou Qianzhi (365-448), the founder of the Northern Celestial Masters received revelations there, as did Chen Tuan (920-989), who lived on the mountain prior to receiving immortality. In the 1230s, all the temples on the mountain came under control of the Daoist Quanzhen School. In 1998, the management committee of Huashan agreed to turn over most of the mountain's temples to the China Daoist Association. This was done to help protect the environment, as the presence of monks and nuns deters poachers and loggers.

  Huashan has a variety of temples and other religious structures on its slopes and peaks. At the foot of the mountain is the Cloister of the Jade Spring (玉泉院), which is dedicated to Chen Tuan.

  There are three ways up to Huashan's North Peak (1613 m), the lowest of the mountain's major peaks. The most popular is the also the original route, which winds for 6 km from Hua Shan village to the north peak. There is also the cable-car, as well as a path that follows the cable car to the North Peak. From the North Peak, a series of paths rise up to the four other peaks, the West Peak (2038 m), the Center Peak (2042 m), the East Peak (2100 m) and the South Peak (2160 m).[4]

  Huashan has historically been a place of retreat for hardy hermits, whether Daoist, Buddhist or other; access to the mountain was only deliberately available to the strong-willed, or those who had found 'the way'. With greater mobility and prosperity, Chinese, particularly students, began to test their mettle and visit in the 80s. The inherent danger of many of the exposed, narrow pathways with precipitous drops gave the mountain a deserved reputation for danger. As tourism has boomed and the mountain's accessibility vastly improved with the installation of the cable car in the 90s, visitor numbers surged. Despite the safety measures introduced by cutting deeper pathways and building up stone steps and wider paths, as well as adding railings, fatalities continued to occur. The local government has proceeded to open new tracks and created one-way routes on some more hair-raising parts, such that the mountain can be scaled without significant danger now, barring crowds and icy conditions. Some of the most precipitous tracks have actually


  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, today we are going to visit one of the five sacred mountains of China, Mt. Hua shan. It was called Mt. Taihuashan in ancient times for its five main peaks shaped much like a flower. Hua was historically the location of several influential Taoist monasteries, and was known as a center for the practice of traditional Chinese martial arts. Situated in Huayin County, Mt. Huashan is some 120 kilometers east of Xian City in Shaanxi Province. This mountain is celebrated for its majestic breath-taking crags, steep paths, beautiful scenery and it is said to be the most precipitous mountain in the world.

  Until recently there was only one way to reach the top of Mt. Huashan since ancient times. Most of the trail is very narrow and steep; some parts are almost vertical. Iron chains have been set up along the path, but courage and an adventurous spirit are still necessary if you decide to climb Mt. Huashan on foot. Recent developments have added two alternate ways of traveling to the summit. Now you can take the ropeway, or ride in a cable car to enjoy the unique scenery of Mt. Huashan.

  Mt. Huashan has more than two hundred places of interest and fascinating scenic spots. Its five main peaks, the South Peak (Landing Wild Goose Peak), the West Peak (Lotus Flower Peak), the East Peak (Facing Sun Peak), the Middle Peak (Pure Girl Peak) and the North Peak (Yuntai Peak), each of them has its peculiar scene and moving legend.

  The South Peak (Landing Wild Goose Peak)

  Of the five main peaks, the South Peak ,which was named the Landing Wild Goose Peak is the highest at 2,160 meters, it is also the highest peak of the Five Sacred Mountains. When traveling to the top of the peak, you will feel that you can touch the stars in the sky.

  The south side of the Peak has very high cliffs standing erect as if they had been cut by an axe. The summit of the South Peak is the highest point in the sacred mountains and climbers consider it an honor to make it to the Peak. At the summit you will find the Black Dragon Pool and see the Greeting Pines on the southwest cliffs. Around the South Peak are Songhui Peak and Xiaozi Peak. There is a famous Taoism palace called Jintian Palace. The narrow pass, which is the plank road, is built along the cliff leading to the East Peak. The road is no more than 0.3 meters (about 1 foot) wide and runs above a very deep gorge. The stout hearted can travel this road by hanging on to a chain that is attached to the face of the cliff.

  The West Peak (Lotus Flower Peak)

  The West Peak is a huge granite rock, it was named the Lotus Flower Peak . u know how it got this name? Because the big rock in front of Cuiyun Palace is shaped much like a lotus flower, it is called Lotus Flower Peak. The West Peak is the most beautiful and dangerous peak of Mt. Huashan.

  The West Peak has numerous tourist spots including Cuiyun Palace, Lotus

  Flower Cave and Axe-hewing Rock. Each site has its own beautiful myth and legend. The legend of Chen Xiang, a filial son, who split the mountain with an axe to save his mother, is quite intriguing. A popular cartoon film called 'Lotus Lantern' was made to portray this legend.

  The East Peak (Facing Sun Peak)

  The East Peak, also called Facing Sun Peak is like a platform available for visitors to view the sun rising. In ancient times the path to the top was full of hardships and danger, but recently steps were built making it comparatively easy to reach the top.

  The East Peak is the best place to watch the rising sun but you should start your climb at night if you want to see the wonderful scenery because it takes 4 to 6 hours to reach the top. There are more than ten scenic spots on the East Peak including the natural stone veins on the cliff that resemble a huge palm. The tranquil and serene environment on the top of the Peak will make you feel completely relaxed and happy.

  As for the the ways to get to the top the Mt. Hua shan, there r two ways for u to choose.one is by Ropeway.u know Yuquan Palace? a famous Quanzhen sect of

  Taoism Palace at the foot of Mt. Huashan, it is generally the starting post to climb the mountain. 2 kilometers east away from Yuquan Palace, there is a cement road to Wamiaogou where you can travel to the top of the North Peak by the ropeway. And another way is on foot,you can start from Yuquan Palace, and go up along the path to the top of the North Peak, and from here you can go to the other four peaks. It takes about 10 hours to travel to the five main peaks on foot.

  Ok, ladies and gentlemen, so much for the Mt.Hua shan, I hope it have left u an impressive memory. Thank u for listening.


  Huashan Mountain

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.I’m your local guide. Today we are going to climb the Huashan Mountain. It stands in the south of Huayin County, east of Xi’an. And Mt Huashan is always known for its precipitousness.

  There are five peaks of Mt Huashan. From a distance, these five peaks look like a lotus flower among the mountains, hence the name of Mount Hua, it has the same pronunce in Chinese means flower.//五峰

  As the saying goes “There has been only one path up Mt Huashan since the ancient times,”this road runs for 20 kilometers, around five prominent peaks.The peaks and valleys are dotted with temples and pavilions, which are constantly clad in mist. Climebers feel as if they were making a tour of fairyland.

  Here we are at the entrance of the valley on the hillside north of Mt Huashan, and we can see The Yuquan Garden. It is the starting point to go to the top.Inside the garden there is a cool, sweet spring; hence its name “Jade Spring Garden”. The stone tablets are inscribed with valuable calligraphy.//玉泉院

  And it will take about 10 kilometers on the path from Jade Spring Garden to Qingke Terrace.After a break, we’ll continue our way.//青柯坪

  The North Peak is also called the Cloudy Terrace Peak. As you go on your way from Qingke Terrace, you will soon pass a huge rock named “Turn Back”, and you will find yourself at the bottom of the thousand-foot Precipice.This Precipice is cut into the face of a nearly perpendicular cliff. The steps there are only toeholds, and you will have to grasp iron chains for support. After the Hundred-foot Crevice, you come to Laojun’s Furrow. You will feel that the furrow must be ascending right up into the sky. Finally you will reach the North Peak. It is the only access to the other four peaks.//北峰、回转石、千尺潼、百尺峡、老君犁沟

  The Canglong Ridge(苍龙岭) is 1,500 meters long and only one meter wide. This ridge winds up and down irregularly with its central part protruding into the air looks rather like the backbone of a carp. On either side of the ridge, cliff fall off into deep valleys. Looking across into the distance, you will get a misty view of green pines and floating clouds. You will hear the sound of the wind roaring into your ears.You may be so filled with apprehension and dizziness that you may fear to look at the view on either side. At the other end of the ridge is the Yishen Cliff(怡神岩), which is inscribed with five Chinese characters:”Han Yu Threw Down His Will”. The story goes that Han Yu, a Tang Dynasty poet, once reached this spot. He was in such fear that he concluded that his end was at hand and threw down his last will on that very spot. Fortunately, he was rescued. If you want to ascend to Canglong Ridge, you can not avoid the Ear-touching Cliff(擦耳岩) or the Heavenward Ladder(上天梯) on your way up.

  Then we meet the Central Peak which is called the Jade Lady Peak.Legend has it that Nong Yu, the daughter of King Mu, was so moved by the music of Xiao Shi, a hermit, that she gave up living a happy and luxurious palace life, and lived with him in seclusion. The Jade Lady’s Cave, the Wash Basin and the Stone Dressing Table are what we can see there today.//中峰、玉女洞、玉女洗头盆、玉女梳妆台

  The East Peak is also called the Morning Sun Peak. It’s the best place from which to see the sunrise. On the side at one cliff there is the impression of a huge colored in a mixture of blue and brown. It’s known as “God’s Hand Print On Mount Hua”. It is the first of the Eight Scenic Attractions of the Central Shaanxi Plain.//东峰、日出、华岳仙掌

  The South Peak,also called Wild Goose-resting Peak, stands about 2,200 meters high. It towers over all other peaks on the mountain. The building on the South Peak is named the White Emperor’s Temple. And according to the legend, Laojun’s Cave at the top is the very place where Lao Zi lived as a hermit.//南峰、白帝祠、老君洞

  Because of the huge lotus flower-shaped rock at the top, the West Peak is known as Lotus Flower Peak. According to the fairy tale “Lotus Lantern”, the West Peak is the Place where little ChenXiang, son of Holy Mother, split the moutain to rescue his mother. Close to Cuiyun Temple lies a huge rock which seems to have been split into two with an axe; hence its name “Split Rock with an Axe”. And Mt Hua is become more accesible to visitors with the aid of cable cars.//西峰、沉香劈山救母、摘星石、索道

  In the past, Mt Huashan was regarded as mountain of divinity. And the Western Mountain Temple, which lies north of it, served as a place for the emperors of different dynasties to hold sacrificial ceremonies for the God of Mount Huashan. This temple has been categorized as national monument.The standards of the construction of the temple are so high that it looks like the Imperial Palace of Beijing, hence the name “Small Imperial Palace”.According to this, it has become a favourable tourist attraction.//西岳庙

  OK everyone, so much for this today! We still have some free time.We’ll leave at 2 o’clock, so please don’t be late. And I’ll stay here,If you have any question, please ask me.By the way,watch your step please! So next, it’s you turn. You may look around and enjoy yourselves.Thank you for listening!









