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  优秀大学英语作文 1

  The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart.

  Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere.

  Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless youre sure that he or she likes the smell,dont use ones that are too strong.

  Watch your manner. Youre no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the legend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer.

  Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed within the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesnt share often with anyone but his intimacy.

  Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a new journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, and keep on through out the whole way.

  优秀大学英语作文 2

  Compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory I am living in now, the one I lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared one brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom.

  In three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among piles of rotten fruit.And our masterpiece was the bathroom, a never drying swamp which served as the habitat of various kinds of mold, and even rodents, rats would occasionally take the trouble to pay us a visit, and.., all three of us felt like sobbing when we at last had to say good bye to our lovely filthy dormitory. Maybe it is because that the dormitory had changed us as well as wed changed it.

  The first lesson our dormitory taught us was to look after ourselves. Frankly speaking, we were not good students at all. I still remember the underwear that was soaked in soapy water for one and a half years before it was finally thrown away. Almost each of the boys dormitories had gradually developed its own unique "fragrance" usually a mixture of rotten fruit, unwashed socks, stunk towels and some junk food. We could tell one dormitory from another by sniffing instead of looking. Our tolerance towards untidiness was amazing.

  However, in spite of all this, we really did make some progress. Bit by bit, we started to wash dirty clothes before they stunk, cleaned the garbage bin when it could hold no more trash, we even used brushes in a not-sc-successful attempt to refurbish the floor. The point was that we were not obeying any order, we did every bit of the cleaning for ourselves, because we wanted to live in a better place. Though nothing we did could be called an achievement, it was the first time we fully bore the consequences of our behavior, and took the responsibility.

  Thus it was not surprising that I often found myself the only one to clean up my university dormitory which looked no better than a garbage bin when my roommates felt normal of it.

  When talking about our dormitory life, and probably all the dormitory life, we should never leave out one thing. This was what we called "bed talks". Though it was considered "illegal,"there was nothing to stop us from deliberately starting a heated discussion right after lights were out. It was our favorite and the only way of ending our day, and we were as punctual for it as our parents are for work. What was the most common topic?Girls, of course! What other topics were there for three energetic adolescent males lying comfortably in bed? We judged them,ranked them, argued over them night after night without feeling the slightest sense of boredom for three whole years. Were we

  maniacs? Who is not a maniac at eighteen?

  优秀大学英语作文 3

  Learning English at college is different from learning English at middle school. In middle school, we learn English mainly for the entrance examination for college, while the purpose of learning English at college is quite different. We study foreign languages now to improve our ability to work in the future and especially to communicate with foreiguers.

  How can we learn English well at college? Firstly, you should try your best to enlarge your vocabulary. Only in this way can you read more smoothly and understand others well. Secondly, you should pay more attention to the listening and speaking ability in learning English. While talking with foreigners, if you cant understand them, and do not know how to express yourself, the talking will be very difficult. And the last point is that you should improve your English whenever and wherever you can.

  Obviously, there is still a long way for us to go to learn English well. As a proverb says,

  Never too old to learn. There are so many methods to learn English. So long as you keep on studying, your English will surely be improved.

  优秀大学英语作文 4

  People often say we have entered the electronic age. Computers have become the center of life. No one can live and work without computers. In the future, everyone can work and study at home hefore a PC. There wont be piles of files. Instead, a disc is OK enough.

  With the appearance of printers, the pen becomes less useful than before. And since the computer was created, paper is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively moving things from different sides in the same picture. It is true that with the developmem of science, such products as computers and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work. But the traditional tools will also exist for a long time to supplement the function of the modern ones. At least, we still need pens to sign with and paper to sign on.

  优秀大学英语作文 5

  Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some people believe that if they have lots of money, they will be happy. They believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position

  in the government is happiness. In this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which cant be bought by money.

  However, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness nor is holding a high position in the government. These people value their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. They think these can make them happy.

  For me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. When I made great progress in my studies, when I made contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I was happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual my "wealth" of happiness is in my studies, my work, and my family.

  优秀大学英语作文 6

  Some people believe that economic development should never be at the cost of the environment. They think the present serious environmental problems are largely caused by rapid

  economic development. For example, land resources are shrinking because of the industrial development and the expansion of cities. Deserts are spreading because of over grazing, poor fanning, tree cutting, and strip mining. Our air and water supplies are being polluted by poisonous gassesand waste products. It is important, therefore, that we should take another look at the way in which our industries and cities are developing.

  However, other people think it unnecessary to consider environmental problems now and our first priority should always be given to economic development. They believe that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development. They are only the by products of economic development, which can be dealt with later when we have the time and money.

  I think the second idea is completelywrong. Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people. What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development.

  优秀大学英语作文 7

  Why is goal-setting important? Because goals can help you do and experience every meaningful thing you hope for in life. Instead of letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.

  Successful people have visions of what their life should be and they set lots of goals, both sbort-term and long-range, to help them realize the visions. By setting goals you are taking control of your life. It is like having a map to show where you want to go. A driver with an aim arrives at the destination without any waste of time or wrong turns. On the contrary, a driver with no aim drives aimlessly around, never getting anywhere and just using up gas and oil. Winners in life set goals and follow through on them. They decide what they want and then get there by making plans and setting goals. Goals ara not difficult to set and they are not difficult to reach. It is up to you to find out what your goals, ideals and visions really are. With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want.

  Without a goal, you have to live a passive life. You do not know where to go, what you want and why you are listless. Then your life be comes dull and meaningless just like the dead water in a muddy lake.

  优秀大学英语作文 8

  Health is the guarantee of ones happiness. Without a healthy body, one cannot do what he wants to, not to mention accomplishing his goals in life.

  One can keep fit in three ways. First, he is to pay attention to hygiene. Stay away from viruses, which means one should wash hands, take baths frequently, eat and drink properly. Stay away from bad life habits, such as smoking and overworking, which severely damage the body organs. Secondly, one is to exercise regularly. He may go jogging, swimming, bicycling, playing basketball and so on. Exercises will improve ones ability to resist diseases. And last but not least, he should be optimistic, fearing no difficulties and obstacles, and always being in high spirits.

  Only in good health as well as in high spirits can we greet the future, which is full of competition and challenges, and strive to achieve our ambitions energetically.

  优秀大学英语作文 9

  Stress is an inevitable part in our normal life. Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the small things: taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time.

  We all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reduces the bodys immunity and harms the brain, If the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease.

  When stress does occur, its important to recognize and deal with it. There ore some methods we can try. A large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety. Shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful. Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine. Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress.

  优秀大学英语作文 10

  Urbanization has been a subject of heated discussion for a long time. Some people are in favor, while others are opposed. In my opinion, urbanization has both advantages and disadvantages.

  Generally, the advantages of urbanization can be listed as follows. First,urbanization can quicken our pace to catch up with the developed countries. We all know that the developed countries are all highly urbanized. Second, urbanization will help to solve the problem of unemployment. It will create more job opportunities for the unemployed. In addition, urbanization will free a great number of farmers from the fields, thus realizing the dream of agricultural mechanization in our country. Finally, urbanization can improve the standards of living of the migrants who move to the urban area.

  However,the disadvantages of urbanization are also obvious. To begin with,administration of the increasing population in urban area might be a great challenge to the government. Moreover, more problems, such as increasing crime rate, over crowding, might increase, since more people are concentrated in a relatively smaller place.

  It is evident that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, I am in favor of urbanization.

  优秀大学英语作文 11

  Everybody wants to lead a successful life. But a number of people failed to realize their ambitions or their personal goals though they had dreamed of it throughout their whole lives. In order to succeed, one is required to have such personal qualities as diligence, persistence, intelligence, patience and so on. Besides them, I hold adversity is also one of the key factors and that it often leads to prosperity.

  The seemingly mistaken conclusion reveals the common phcnomenon, People in adversity tend to express their full range of potential and actualize their own personal worth

  the very aim of a human life. And it is also supported by lots of successful peoples experiences both in old days and nowadays, both at home and abroad.

  During the Period of Chunqiu, the Emperor of the Yue,Gou Jian, was defeated by the Wu and trapped in prison. Adversity stimulated him to revenge instead of discouraged him. Gou Jian hanged a gall and tasted it before sleep every day so as to keep the humiliation and revenge always in mind. Owing to his undefeated qualities and persistent struggle, he defeated the Wu and drew himself from adversity to prosperity in the end.

  David Beckham, the captain of the English Soccer Team,was famous for his fascinating technique as well as his handsome appearance. He led England to defeat Argentina as a national revenge in the latest Korea Japan World Cup and he was regarded to be one of the five greatest football players in the world by Brazilian football star Robert Carlos.

  However, ten years ago, he was only an ordinary young player and was put in the second team of Man Utd.

  Once he was even lent to another team in English A by Ferguson and it seemed that he would be abandoned as burden of his club someday. Beckham was not defeated by all the difficulties and he was sensible enough to make full use of adversity as an agent to push himself forward. He studied the combat, increased his stamina and strength, improved the technique and dribbling and trained the skill of passing and free kicking. As a result of his persistent and painstaking training, beginning with the famous wonderful goal from the centre circle in 1996, he brought himself a hot prospect.

  优秀大学英语作文 12

  Lottery, booming all of a sudden all over the world, attracts all kinds of people.

  Nearly everybody, old or young, rich or poor, is right now trying his luck in lottery or is thinking of doing so. Despite many disputes that lottery is receiving, I still assume, personally, that lottery does mere good than harm.

  The worst effect caused by lottery, as many socialists indicate, is that it produces in people an idea of "gain without pain.But at the same time, they neglect one point--it is human nature that people all expect to obtain most while offer least.

  The thought of "gain without pain" is buried in everyones heart and is not bred by lottery.

  Consequently, lottery is innocent in this way. But there still remain a large group of people against lottery, among whom are some lottery addicts. Such people are fond of lottery but unfortunately luck is never fond of them. Finally, they end up in complaining about lottery, declaring the great harm, both psychologically and economically lottery has done to them. In this case,the problem lies in the attitude of people, not lottery.

  Since the major two sorts of harm are not lotterys fault,lets have an objective look on lottery. For the society, lottery is the most practical way to accumulate funds. For those who happen to win a large fortune, I think they cant kiss their lottery enough. Also for those who have not a single chance to be lucky dogs, lottery can mutely tell them the truth of "no pains, no gains."

  Spare the lottery! It, in itself can do more good than harm.

  优秀大学英语作文 13

  The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance on the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart.

  Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are still in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, casual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter how well you

  like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair of sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere.

  Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a

  little perfume, but unless you're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong.

  Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the legend. Proper manners will ensure a

  lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer.

  Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude his or her privacy on the first date. For

  优秀大学英语作文 14

  My View on the “Campus Star” Contest

  At an age of character and individuality being encouraged and

  demonstrated, we see various “stars” pop up—singing stars, dancing stars, movie stars and sport stars, etc. Many schools even hold contests to choose their “Campus Stars”. Although these activities make our cultural life on campus more colorful and varied, a lot of problems spring up at the same time.

  First of all, these activities can result in the swelling of vanity in some students, making them become arrogant, or even feel superior to other students. Moreover, these activities can greatly distract the students from their study. In order to become a star, they will, without any doubt, spend a lot of time and energy on the preparation and

  competition. The focus of their academic life will be shifted, and even worse, they can become too enthusiastic about extracurricular activities and hate the academic knowledge and skills they need to grasp for their future development.

  On the whole, I think these various “Campus Star” contests should be controlled on the campus. After all, schools are different from any other social institutions. Extracurricular activities should be

  encouraged, but they should be helpful to the students academic study and all-round development.

  优秀大学英语作文 15

  Choosing Friends

  everybody has his friends. some people like to choose friends who are different from themselves while others prefer those who are similar to themselves. each of the choices has its advantages.

  when people have friends similar to themselves, they and their friends can chat, play, and do things together harmoniously. the result is that they all feel relaed and can truly enjoy each others company.

  when a guy has friends different from himself, the advantage he has is that he can benefit from the contacts with different people. his friends may be different from him in character, education, occupation, social status, or political and religious beliefs. from those friends, he can learn a lot of things that he has never eperienced himself and he can also enjoy being with thera when they know each other well.

  comparing the advantages of both cases, i think that it would be better for me to have both kinds of friends …… some who are similar to me and some who are different from me. in this way, i can have the best of both worlds. for instance, when i want to rela or when i am too tired to be careful about my speech and manner, i can stay with those friends who are like me. but, when i feel like it, it is also possible for me to stay with those who are different from me and learn something new.

  优秀大学英语作文 16

  Will Christmas Replace the Spring Festival

  Christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in China. Christmas cards become popular with students. People hold Christmas parties and exchange Christmas girts. A lot or TV and radio programs about Christmas are on. Meanwhile the Spring Festival is leappealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. Thus some people wonder whether Christmas will replace the Spring Festival.

  This worry is fairly unnecessary. Why ? One reason lies that Christmas only affects Christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. Another reason is that Christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. Few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. By contrast,the Spring Festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.

  I think,it is natural that with increasing exchanges with the West,a lot of Western holidays have been gradually introduced into China. For us Chinese we should never neglect or even discard our own traditional festivals. For centuries Chinese have observed this traditional holiday to welcome the beginning of a new year. And we will treasure the Spring Festival forever.

  优秀大学英语作文 17

  Contribute to nature reserves and other wilderness areas. Habitat preservation is one of the best ways to help protect animals. You can donate money or volunteer your time helping the nature reserve preserve habitat.

  Buy environmentally friendly goods. Choose non-toxic cleaners and lawn care items that wont pollute streams, rivers or oceans. Avoid any products that have been made from threatened or animals. Buy foods and goods that are made from materials that do not harm animals or their habitat. For example, look for organic chocolate, coffee or cotton clothing that is grown without cutting down rainforests or destroying habitat.

  Create or restore habitat for animals. You can volunteer to help with projects worldwide designed to reestablish habitat. In your own backyard, plant a butterfly garden, use native plants and trees and let "wild" areas grow to provide habitat and food.

  Join a local, national or global conservation organization. Some organizations focus on one particular animal while others focus on broad efforts for all species. You can "adopt" an animal through these organizations, which makes a great gift idea as well.

  优秀大学英语作文 18

  I have a simple schedule in my binder. I only have six classes everyday.

  My first and second period is Esl1. Mrs.Greeley is my Esl1 class teacher. Esl1 is an English class in my schedule.

  PE is my third period class. I love PE very much. But it’s not my favorite class on my schedule. I love this class because I can exercise everyday and can play with my friends.

  My forth period is Band. I love band. That’s my favorite subject on my schedule. I played trumpet. We have lots of free days in the band class and Mrs.W is nice to us. She always said we can have a party if you guys do well in the concert. Thanks god I could change to band.

  Then, I have lunch. Kelvin always buys lunch for me. I love lunch time. I can talk and play with my best friends. There’re some good and bad memories for lunch time.

  Last, I have physical science. I like this class because in this class, I can sit with my three best friends. Thanks Mrs.Dira lets us sitting together. But my science grade is not good. I’ll do better in my science class.

  Finally, Algebra 1 is my last period on the schedule. I had Algebra Fundamentals before, but now, I moved a grade up. So I’m happy and Mrs.Johnson changed the seat. So I was sitting with Belle and Justin in my math class.

  So this is my simple schedule.

  优秀大学英语作文 19

  In recent years, studying abroad has been popular in our country. More and more middle school students would like to go abroad through mediators. Is it good or bad to study abroad? In my opinion, on one hand, it has some advantages. Studying abroad can provide better studying conditions. People can make rapid progress in their foreign language study and it can also help widen their field of vision. Meanwhile, young students can learn advanced science and technology from foreign countries and spread cultures of different nations.

  On the other hand, it has disadvantages. For example, because of the lack of living experience and poor capability to take care of themselves, they may feel lonely and homesick. In addition, high living expenses and tuition fees will become a heavy burden upon their parents.

  So I think whether studying abroad or not should be decided according to oneself and one’s family. It is not right to follow others.

  优秀大学英语作文 20

  Language varies from country to country. It differs not only in written and spoken language but also in gestures.

  Once my American teacher, Dr. Joe Johnson, went ont shopping. He was surprlsed to find out that he couldn‘t even count on his fingers proficiently in China. He tried to buy six oranges. The orange seller couldn‘t understand his two handed counting when he showed him five left hand fingers and one right hand finger. He was also confused when a driver said he would pick him up at six o‘clock, and held his right band in a gesture familiar to himself. The gesture was not familiar as a six. It resembled a pipe.

  There were no trouble with the numbers one, four, and five. In China, we show the middle and index fingers to mean two, but, for the Americans, it means victory. The Chinese guesture for three, to Americans. means "okay." The Chinese seven is like many people from southern Europe aad the Middle East gesture to mean "money". A Chinese eight is like a symbol for a pistol. A Chinese nine in an American TV studio means that you have thirty seconds left to finish what you are doing. And a Chinese ten, to an American, can be an expression of anger, but not if there is a pleasant Chinese face behind it!

  优秀大学英语作文 21

  Modern medicine is saving millions of lives with such wonder drugs as penicillin and the mycins and such advanced techniques as radioactive treatment. At the same time, more and more Chinese and a growing number of westerners place greater confidence in the prescriptions of herb medicines and acupuncture therapy.

  Herbs used in the aromatic but often bitter brews are not limited to the vegetable kingdom. Materialsand animal substances are also ingredients. Moreover, not all the concoctions are to be drunk. Many medicines are in the form of pills, ointments and powders.

  Hundreds of millions of people in China, East Asia and overseas Chinese communities have been cured of diseases which western prescriptions failed to do so.

  Herbal medical treatment is mild and tonic, and its curative processes slow. The objective is to find the seat of the trouble or obstruction and then work to counteract its effects.

  Surprisingly enough, Chinese herbs also include such strange things as insects, deer horn, tiger bones, cicada shells, frogs, and toads. Liquid concoctions usually thick,brownish or black, and.often taste bitter.

  A proverb says "Efficacious remedies are i bitter in the mouth but beneficial to the body," and I think Chinese herbs bear the best proof.

  优秀大学英语作文 22

  with the development of economy and the improvement of living standards, more and more nutritious foods containing high levels of protein, fat and calories have been introduced to people's diet. many people are now enjoying a much better life, which is regarded as luury by their grandparents. children are always pestering their parents to take them to the fast food restaurants such as mcdonlds and kfc. adults, on the other hand, like to have lots of meat and seafood. as a result, fat people can be seen everywhere.

  some people think that being fat means good health. but this is not really the case according to research and eperiments done in this field. in fact being too fat may cause such fat related diseases as heart attack, hypertension, etc. seeing that they are getting too fat, some people go on a diet that's too stringent or too lean in order to lose weight. consequently, they suffer from other diseases such as anemia and malnutrition.

  obviously, the foods we eat have profound effects on our health. having too much rich food all the time is no good, nor is it much good to have too simple adiet. we shouldn't go to either etremes. if we want to keep fit, we should have a balanced diet. remember a well balanced diet plus proper eercises can keep us healthy and energized all the time.

  优秀大学英语作文 23

  it is impossible to keep in good health unless we have sufficient recreation. the mind, too, needs rest to keep alert and vigorous. there is a lot of truth in the old saying, "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy."

  there are many games which we can play after our work is done. but it's always advisable for people to remember that persons who sit much should take up sports or a kind of recreation that requires muscular eercise. those who spend most of their time in the open air and have constant muscular labor, however, should adopt reading or some other quiet forms of recreation that will give them some physical rest.

  cycling is said to be a capital means of recreation.but some people foolishly ehaust themselves by ecessive eertion on the bike. the same may be said in regard to football. tennis is a great form of recreation. fishing requires much patience, but there is the risk of catching cold by prolonged eposure. a good brisk walk is one of the finest forms of eercise. for persons engaged in outdoor labor, chess playing is an ecellent change.

  优秀大学英语作文 24

  energy makes the world go, it is indispensible to both animal life and human life. we get heat energy from the food we eat, light energy from the sun and electricity from water. in the hot summer when there ia a power outage we feel all the more the need for electric energy which powers the electric fan md air-conditioner.

  there are different sources of energy. the rivers and streams are a good source for electrie energy. the san provides us with light, heat and electricity. there is also sound energy in the radio transformed from electric energy. the energy can be changed from one form to another. it can never be ehausted nor reproduced. it just goes on changing in cycles.

  it is important for us to make use of energy. solar energy is being made to generate electricity, to cook and to bathe. atomic energy is used in industry and aviation and many other fields. we are now doing our best to inake energy serve our people in every way possible.




  优秀大学英语作文 25

  Nowadays, more and more people like to travel in their holidays. The other day I read a report about the ways people spend their holidays.

  It is reported that in recent yiars several new holiday habits have been developed. Among them,the most interesting one is the growth of the so-called holiday camps. From the report we can see that in 1990,40 percent of people stayed at home for holidays. But now the proportion has reduced to 9 percent. More people go out for fun. The proportion of camping and traveling abroad was increasing steadily,from 10 percent in 1990 to 38 percent in 2002,and 12 percent in 1990 to 26 percent in 2002 respectively. People enjoy the fresh air,clean Water and green hills when they go camping in the suburbs. In 1990,38 percent people enjoyed going to the seaside while in 2002 only 27 percent prefer to go there. What great changes!

  Why did those changes appear?I think there are several reasons.

  First,its because people can afford traveling.

  Second,people prefer to pursue a high-quality and colorful life.

  Third,their attitudes to relaxation have changed. Less people want to save much money by leading a simple life. In short,peoples living standard today has been rising greatly.

  优秀大学英语作文 26

  Ownership of houses in China has changed greatly in the past decade. In the past, most houses were state-owned. But now, private houses are everywhere. As is shown in the chart above, in 1990, the citys houses were mainly state-owned, with a percentage of 75. This percentage became 60 in the year 1995 and then dropped sharply to 20 in 2000.

  At the same time, the number of private houses has soared up to 80 percent. There are mainly two reasons that account for this rapid change. Firstly, the government has been forwarding the policy to support private houses programs. These programs have proved to be very important in developing Chinas economy.

  Secondly, with the development of economy, peoples standard of living has risen. They want to have their own houses to satisfy their needs. The change has enabled more people to enjoy larger living space. At the same time, people feel pressure to make more money so that they can buy their own houses.

  优秀大学英语作文 27

  In this picture a man rudely opens a garbage can and violently throws all kinds of waste into it. however, the box is not an ordinary trash can, but is, as a matter of fact, the earth. it is where survive, breed, and prosper. but as the drawing indicates, earth does not receive an equal repayment. quite the contrary, one of the biggest "gifts" humans return to earth is an unbelievable amount of trash.the picture purposefully points out a kind of pollution that arouses little public attention, that is, garbage. the past century has witnessed an unprecedented increase in garbage output, most of it technological products that are difficult to be decomposed through natural processes, such as plastics and glass. furthermore, a recent report released that several major chinese cities are already surrounded by circles of trash in the suburban areas, polluting air, water, and earth.

  Hence, the issue of waste pollution needs to be addressed as one of the priorities that demand social efforts. only through a holistic system of trash disposal can this problem be fully solved. moreover, we should advocate a more frugal lifestyle so as to reduce the growing scale of waste pollution.

  优秀大学英语作文 28

  Human life can not continue without science and technology. For many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. So the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers. The development of science and technology has brought about many changes in peoples life. For example, the invention of television and space rocket has opened a new era for mankind. Through the use of TV people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away.

  Owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of mans landing on the moon has now come true. Science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. We may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. Without the base, the skyscraper cant be built. Therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country.

  优秀大学英语作文 29

  I have a simple schedule in my binder. I only have six classes everyday.

  My first and second period is Esl1. is my Esl1 class teacher. Esl1 is an English class in my schedule.

  PE is my third period class. I love PE very much. But it’s not my favorite class on my schedule. I love this class because I can exercise everyday and can play with my friends.

  My forth period is Band. I love band. That’s my favorite subject on my schedule. I played trumpet. We have lots of free days in the band class and is nice to us. She always said we can have a party if you guys do well in the concert. Thanks god I could change to band.

  Then, I have lunch. Kelvin always buys lunch for me. I love lunch time. I can talk and play with my best friends. There’re some good and bad memories for lunch time.

  Last, I have physical science. I like this class because in this class, I can sit with my three best friends. Thanks lets us sitting together. But my science grade is not good. I’ll do better in my science class.

  Finally, Algebra 1 is my last period on the schedule. I had Algebra Fundamentals before, but now, I moved a grade up. So I’m happy and changed the seat. So I was sitting with Belle and Justin in my math class.

  So this is my simple schedule.

  优秀大学英语作文 30

  Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution. Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities.

  They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment. However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a "clean" world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do.

  People will continually find new ways to control pollution.

  优秀大学英语作文 31

  My college New life begins! Ive been expecting this moment for a long time.

  Finally,I become a college student . All good things must come to an end ! I am now apart from my family members and manygood friends.I am awared that I will have to doeverything on my own . Being responsible is the exact thing that I am supposed to think about! Im now dealing something responsibly with my new rommates.I enjoy being together with them,they just like my good friends in high school,being kind and thoughtful !

  My college is a place for a new beginning ,Im sure Im taking a new life ,everything here is full of challenge,quite different from things in high school,teachers are not going to tell you exactly what you are going to do ,you will haveto make your own decisions. So far,Im geting along so well with people aroud me ,college provides me with chances and challenge,Im going to make a difference to my life!

  And I have every confidence on myself.I will still have to move on。

  优秀大学英语作文 32

  Good Health The desire for good health is universal.

  In our competitive society it is important to maintain good health. On the one hand, people with good health can do work with full confidence and their progress in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness. On the other hand, a sick person is usually not interested in everything around him and therefore he loses many opportunities to become successful. There are many ways to keep it. First, those who are always on the go from morning till night should find time to relax because too much stress will affect their health.

  Second, enough time should be left for sleep because that will help one become rested and refreshed. Finally, regular physical exercises benefit ones health a lot. So one should always keep in mind that a certain amount of exercise is not a waste of time. As for me, I like playing tennis in the morning.

  I also attach much importance to enough sleep and relaxation. I believe this will ensure my good health for the rest of my life.

  优秀大学英语作文 33

  Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals.

  If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive. Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution. Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve our natural resources and recycle our products.

  We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.

  优秀大学英语作文 34

  Key words: general history, decorate, charts, ancient, ehibit, dynasty, present, narrator, development, chinese history, divide, vivid lesson, review, diversified

  On a saturday afternoon the lecturer who taught us general history took us to visit a museum.

  The ehibition hall was decorated in an antique mode. charts and pictures were hung on the walls. many ancient utensils, curious weapons and arms, robes, coins, ornaments, books and farm tools as well as recently unearthed relics were ehibited. ehibits of different dynasties were presented in separate rooms, along with written and pictorial descriptions. our teacher served as the narrator, giving us a detailed lecture on the development of chinese history, and eplained his new viewpoint on how to divide chinese history into different stages.

  We were happy to have such a vivid lesson, one that made us not only review what we had learned in class but also feel proud of our country’s diversified traditional culture.

  优秀大学英语作文 35

  Finally, the environment in my hometown is polluted seriously, because of the tail gas emitted by private cars.

  And the waste gas and water from factories is also a main cause of pollution. Nevertheless, in Guangzhou, trees and flowers are planted everywhere, which can fight against the pollutants and provide us with fresh air. So the sky is fairly clean and bright.

  We will feel pleasant when getting around in that city. Thats why I get so tired of my hometown and how much I dream of living in Guangzhou!

  优秀大学英语作文 36

  The open policy means that our country is open to investment, trade and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The purpose of open policy is to acquire advanced technology, management skills to serve our socialist construction so as to promote the realization of the four modernizations. We must adhere to the open policy. Because economic relations between states today have become increasingly close, and no country can possibly advance behind close doors.

  Only in this way, can we gradually close the gap between our country and the developed countries. Through the implementation of policy, we can learn advanced technology and managerial expertise from abroad; make full use of the foreign capitals to set up great enterprises; absorb useful and healthy ideas and new knowledge of the modern civilization; and broaden our views and raise our level of competence.









